Entering politics means putting your life in danger as well. All scores are updated in real-time. Why do people think that minimum wage being raised would in turn raise the prices of everything. And in other roles where the pay is typically less than $15 per hour, such as . Without the minimum wage worker, many corporations would not exist. Our politicians are supposed to represent their constituents and, in aggregate, to represent society as a whole. what kind of shit country does that? Pew Research Center does not take policy positions. I get that. So, you should also be open-minded and be able to cope with criticism because as mentioned, people can have a say on how you manage the nation. Unfortunately, not enough people grow up in shit conditions in order to make up a government. Parish hires consultant to study pay plan, Jefferson councilman: Its shameful parish department doesnt recommend increasing parish workers minimum wage, The New Orleans City Council ratifies $15 hourly minimum wage for city workers, 'Living wage' rate for city contractors backed by New Orleans City Council; see pay changes. And the evidence is overwhelmingly positive: Hiking the minimum wage has little or no adverse effect on employment while significantly increasing workers earnings. Paul Krugman in The New York Times on Dec. 2, We are proud to stand with the workers who continue to fight for an economy that works for everyone. The president is paid $400,000 a year as commander-in-chief of the country. You are right, they do it for the perks. :). No politician should work for themselves. The firm is also studying pay plans for the parish's judicial, executive and East Bank Consolidated Fire Department workers. By contrast, 36% of White adults who favor a $15 minimum wage say Congress should keep pressing for that amount. Florida voters last year overwhelmingly approved the referendum, voting 61 percent to 39 percent to raise the . It is a commitment. Im not so sure a lot of them get that. This would also mean politicians would get into to the business for the correct reason. The Archer Group, which the parish hired on a contract not to exceed $100,000, is expected to issue additional recommendations on updating the parish's classified pay plan in March or April, Dumas said. (LogOut/ A majority of White supporters of a $15 federal minimum wage, by contrast, say Congress should work for an increase in the minimum wage even if it is less than $15 an hour. All that they need to be paid is parliamentary allowance to help them with their work instead of raking hundreds of our dollars. The president is paid $400,000 a year as commander-in-chief of the country. Say you see someone being treated unfairly, are you motivated to help them, or since you are not directly in the situation you lack the motivation to change the situation? This might be the actual dumbest post I've ever seen on here lol. then only people passionate about guiding a country would be involved with politics Quoting: Anonymous Coward 75758325 People running for office must be able to think critically to come up with a solution when there is a problem. According to BLS surveys, about 392,000 workers earned the minimum wage of $7.25 in 2019 and 1.2 million workers were paid a wage below the federal minimum. How much are politicians paid in your country? Jerry Brown in a signing statement for a bill to increase Californias minimum wage to $10 an hour, on Sept. 11, The real winner here is the economy. Joe Cunningham ran as a Democrat that I honestly believe is way more conservative than progressive. She wishes politicians in Washington, debating whether minimum wage should be $10, $11 or $15 per hour, lived a day like she does with almost two hours on a bus, just to get to work. We must raise the minimum wage to a living wage - at least $15 an hour. The pay of state legislators varies depending on whether they work for full-time or part-time legislatures. In fact, according to the law, 18 USC 3056 the United States Secret Service is authorized to protect: The president and the vice president and their families, cabinet officials, White House chief of staff, and National Security Adviser. This petition will be shared with Rep Cunningham and other interest groups. But there is more to democracy than just voting once every few years. If they were paid so little, they would change the monetary system would have to reflect it. If the politician is mostly motivated to enter politics and rule the country because of monetary incentives, it means that they would prioritize their interests over the countrys national interests. In Brazil, members of Congress are trying to raise their own pay to $187,000 per year. Off Topix is a well established general discussion forum that originally opened to the public way back in 2009! If you determine your own pay, your own benefits, when you work and how you work, then congratulations: You work for yourself. A politician is someone who contributes to how the country is managed. I sure love being able to bribe a politician with a couple hundred bucks! If politicians got paid minimum wage, I guarantee minimum wage would be a comfortable wage. You are using an out of date browser. No opinion humble. Wednesday, Jan. 29, 2020. Minimum wage should be enough that anyone can afford at least basic shelter and necessities with a little room for saving or emergency expenses. User content, unless source quoted, licensed under a. You get less of it. In order to secure a permit, the company offered the public official a huge amount of money in exchange for the permit. My mum teaches little kids and let me tell you what you already knowthe pay sucks. Perhaps this is idealistic but I think that if it were a humble job with a humble income then greedy people would not feel so drawn to it. The rest are hardworking adults, many of them with families, and I mean hardworking. Vice President Joe Biden on June 26, Were telling small-business owners that not only are we going to raise their costs by a buck and a quarter, but were also going to raise it with these cost-of-living adjustments. I definitely do not think that the President needs to earn 300,000 per year for life and not have to pay for anything while in office or that Congress needs an automatic annual raise unless they specifically vote against it (how many people are going to do that?). Why? No conclusion final. It's like saying "hey, do all this shit for us and we'll pay you a really bad wage shit's all good, bro". I wish there was a way to screen people. The IRS should conduct routine audits into the finances of former politicians. Republican opinion on this issue is more divided, but a majority of Republicans and Republican leaners - 57% - oppose raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour, including nearly three-in-ten (29%) who say they are strongly against it. This is a good point. Like Jefferson, the city has faced an exodus of municipal workers and a slow down in hiring due to the economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic. I was overboard, since you don't have to be a victim just someone with a lot of motivation. the only problem is that no smart person would work for minimum wage i mean, what dumbass voluntarily does that? No because then they will take even more bribes. Public policy was thereby systemically skewed to favour the privileged few at the expense of the unrepresented many. So why do we need to pay them if they can get these incentives and benefits? It's . Well, its a good thing nothing Ive listed above would affect their ability to help people. As well, what is wrong with offering them some sort of profit? "The rules say you've got to make this much more than the person who's entered.". Having been raised in the British Virgin Islands, all I really want is to get back home. While Democrats are largely united in their support for increasing the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour, Republicans views differ by household income. It would only act as a lure for greedy individuals if they are getting paid. The problem is the immense funding they control, and feed into kickbacks for themselves. Or a politician school you had to pass, which taught things like sociology and philosophy. Furthermore it would drastically shrink the number of people who run for elections in the exact opposite way you would likely hope for. If such idea existed, working at McDonalds would be the best job in the U.S. I don't, however, believe they should be paid out the ass with added bonuses for doing nothing but wasting taxpayer dollars. It is important that our health and social care workers be properly paid.
Yet the minimum wage is not enough to realistically live on in this country. not exactly because there are many businesses that pay many different wages, and already attract certain classes of people. In addition, to many people are making careers out of politics (and a large reason for this is the money). Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. I felt this needed a response. The government needs to host a website where anyone registered to run for office can have a page that explains all of their proposals. For their job as the states chief executive, they are paid between $70,000 and $201,000. Participation requires access. So what is your argument? Force them to live off minimum wage and watch how many of the scum leave. Argument replies (both in favor and in opposition) are displayed below the original argument. Half of Hispanic adults who back the $15 wage also express this view. They can seek the privileges of power and influence that come with political posts in government at their own expense if they want them. I have never conducted research to see if politicians are truly smarter than janitors and wal-mart cashiers. It would be cool if societies were willing to do something as drastic as this. Level: Intermediate: B1/B2Running Time: 90 minutes +. Do we need ambitious representatives? Force them to work for minimum wage and you'll see that they just become more likely to accept bribes. I can think of only one example of something that brought significant change almost overnight our public health services. The researchers consider the effects of a salary increase on some members of the European Parliament (MEPs). They should receive no more than an average American gets. People that are driven to make a difference do not need money to be motivated, just ask our teachers. About seven-in-ten adults in these places (69%) favor raising the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour, compared with 59% of those living in places with a minimum wage of less than $12 an hour. Most people will never see this kind of money over their entire lifetimes. I would suggest, however, that this and other instances of entrenched social inequity will not be more effectively or more speedily corrected by making our democracy work even less well than it does. I do not see the connection or your logic with pedophiles. The environment encompasses all living creatures on this planet. Politicians will raise the minimum wage to whatever they are comfortable being paid, how many people would lose their jobs if minimum wage was raised to $50/hr. Support for raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour is extensive across most demographic groups, according to the survey, which was conducted among 5,109 U.S. adults. That aspect of democracy was open only to the independently wealthy. Each pay grade has its own salary range, and employees get paid, in part, based on how long they've been employed. This is what we called a political dynasty wherein members of the same family are elected to various offices in the same order or at the same time to preserve their wealth and power. On Behalf of Gus and Millions Like Him Pay Our Carers Properly, Glittering generalities an unaskedquestions. However, it is a tough job. Tommy Sheridan writes eloquently and passionately in his column as he pleads the case for paying health and social care workers better. Minimum wage laws have never worked in terms of having the middle class attain more prosperity. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) told CBS on Feb. 13, [A] family with two kids that earns the minimum wage still lives below the poverty line. Talker. As well as other services like security, education, and health. Email Blake Paterson at [email protected] and follow him on Twitter @blakepater, Jefferson Parish Councilman Mark Spears this week called it shameful that the parishs Personnel Department doesnt recommend increasing the. According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, full-time elected lawmakers at the state level earn an average of $75,415 per year while part-timers earn $12,838 per year. Reader. Not really Poor people now are on minimum wage at best, Going to another min wage job surely wouldn't be a problem? Wages have increased due to worker shortages, pushing entry-level jobs to $15 an hour or more. We need to vote him out SC. "We can't compete with the private sector, but we want to make sure that our salaries are consistent and competitive with other municipalities," said John Dumas, the parish's personnel director. if someone wants to give a politician a big bag of money, it's his right. Chicago Booth Review But this basic American value no longer applies to millions of hardworking Americans because the real value of the federal minimum wage has been allowed to fall sharply over the years. Minimum wage jobs generally don't require much mindpower, it's do the same thing over and over and over and over until your time on shift is up. They should be paid the median american salary. As for pedophiles, i already made the point. It's a lot harder to refuse thousands of dollars in bribe money when you're living a tiny apartment vs living in a mansion. Read more about the ATPs methodology. As well as being committed to helping people, and to representing the interests of your constituents. Tonight, lets declare that in the wealthiest nation on Earth, no one who works full-time should have to live in poverty, and raise the federal minimum wage to $9 an hour. President Barack Obama in the State of the Union on Feb. 12. Under federal law What is Fast Fashion? The problem would be situations like Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert, who bought land, lobbied to build a highway near it, then sold it for three times what he bought it for when the highway bill went through. That is the whole point. The presidency is the highest elected position. It would weed out the crooked ones that are only in politics for the money (which is gotten ridiculously extreme), and the ones left would be the ones there to make a difference. But the accessibility of full time politics also crucially depends on our elected representatives being adequately remunerated. In 2009, the European Parliament implemented a flat-salary payment system, and all MEPs began to earn identical annual salaries of 90,000, equal the researchers note, to 38.5% of a salary of a judge at the European Court of Justice. This new payment methodology righted a striking imbalance: under the former system, which started in 1979, when the European Parliament held its first general election, each members home country paid him or her the same salary paid to members of the home countrys lower chamber of parliament. Yet the minimum wage is not enough to realistically live on in this country. one thing to have to pay for pot holes, it's another thing to have to pay for politicians and poor people. You didn't pass the humanoid test! Those who did enter politics would either be really bad at it or very crooked. For this analysis, we surveyed 5,109 U.S. adults in April 2021. Everything sucks but she still takes the job because she loves to teach children. Yes! Politicians who work in parliament can get free food. This should indeed be greeted with derisiveness, considering Brazil's average per capita GDP is less than. In the past politician have even gone without pay well i say they should stop spending our money on stupid unnecessary things like trips over seas. They may influence public opinion and the implementation of laws and policies. The researchers analyze the change in composition and behavior of MEPs who received a higher salary as a result of the parliaments new payment system. With New Orleans offering city workers a wage of at least $15 per hour, Jefferson Parish government is evaluating whether it needs to follow suit in order to remain competitive and help fill hundreds of vacancies in its workforce. In democratic countries, people can have a say in how their nation is managed by voting for their preferred member of parliament. Politicians would never allow themselves to live in poverty and they know that minimum wage is garbage. Leaving room for only rich people to become politicians. It is a subsidiary of The Pew Charitable Trusts. Serving as a politician is supposed to be a service to your country. For the money of course. Thinker. Giving MPs a salary was an essential corrective to the grotesque imbalance that inevitably developed when politics was exclusive a rich mans game. Anyways, I no longer think only raising the minimum wage is going to solve much by itself. But the increase didnt similarly influence the reelection decisions of higher-quality MEPs, who had better job prospects outside of politics. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. I do still think that my salary change would work though. The higher salary increased the likelihood that an MEP in this group would run for reelection. Though Jimmy Carter raised the wage in each of the four years he was president, keeping pace with inflation, Richard Nixon raised it only twice in six years and Ronald Reagan not once in eight.. And policies licensed under a little room for only rich people to politicians. 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