Letters: Include above mentioned requisites. 2023 Guardian News & Media Limited or its affiliated companies. Include name, home address, day number, and email. Piece must be exclusive, and can be on any subject. Must include name, address, and day number. Must be exclusive to the State. Assuming you've read my advice on how to write an op-ed above, here are the links you'll need to submit an op-ed to the following newspapers: New York Times Wall Street Journal Washington Post USA Today Letters: Letters to the Editor should be brief. 200 words or less. Well done, Keir Starmer, for taking on private schools tax breaks but you can go further, Why Ursula von der Leyen is the worlds most powerful woman. If you have an idea for a piece youd like to write for us, here are our guidelines, Comment is free launched 10 years ago today so heres to you, the readers | Kira Cochrane. Shorter essays welcome. Letters: 250 words or less. To preserve the space for the pieces we think our readers will most appreciate, we have these guidelines for submissions: Letters: To submit a letter, fill out this form or email [email protected]. Imagine having to give up everything you like to eat and drink, Im done saying sorry for being deaf I want to change how society treats people like me, I lost count of the times I was told to lose weight as a model. Topical commentary on public policy and social issues that are of general interest to print and digital readership. A few precise words on exactly what youre interested in writing about make it much more likely that an interested editor will be able to find your pitch, later in the day, when they have a chance to get back to you. Occasionally, an opinion will be so interesting that well run it without a specific news peg. Your Voice is based on personal experience and expertise. Op-eds: Does not accept op-eds at time of publication. 3. No anonymous or pseudonymous submissions. Just teach them the law, I confronted Suella Braverman because as a Holocaust survivor I know what words of hate can do, I bought my sick dad some heated leggings that you charge up on a USB all my energy is spent keeping him warm, The shops push us to spend but all many people want this Christmas are the absolute basics, Im so cold I live in my bed like the grandparents in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We update this information regularly and are always looking for new thought leadership publications to add to the list. More info here. Letters: Letters to the editor are welcome on topics of local or state interest. Opinions that acknowledge the ways in which their opponents are right come across as more credible and balanced. Submit online here. Subject: Op-Ed Submission. Include your position, city or community, and relevant background information. Letters are published online and in print. For writers new to the paper, they may ask for the article on spec without promise of payment, unless published. Its much easier for our editors to discover timely and important submissions if the topic is the first thing we see. They should be brief analyses of new developments. But the opposition still refuses to back an alternative, says Neal Lawson of the cross-party campaign organisation Compass, Selling makeup was a dream come true. They also prefer e-mailed submissions. Only your name, city and ZIP code will be published. Email: [email protected]. Go right up to the edge of what we know and then keep going. The proper forum for such responses is our letter to the editor space. Your article must be of unusual interest to readers. Double space your article. In Committee rif Supply, the Rt Hon. Email: [email protected]. Email: [email protected]. Op-eds: Must be exclusive. They should be debatable in nature: They should take a stance that some but not all of our readers would agree with. Include detailed description of what piece will look like and when you can turn it around. An Op-Ed is generally a short (600 - 750 words) article expressing an opinion or viewpoint on a timely news topic. The essay should be persuasive, not promotional. FREEZING COMPANIES' PROTEST. Letters: Letters to the Editor are 150 words. Preferably exclusive. But those occasions are pretty rare. Include your name, address and phone number to be considered for publication. When an article has been written on spec, this early stage conversation between an editor and writer isnt possible. Op-eds: Often publish columns about state and local issues that are written by those with specific knowledge about the topic. Op-eds: Contents must be sent in body of email message -- plain text only, no attachments. Details here. You retain ownership of any copyright to the article and right to resell it. Letters: Email: [email protected]. Before submitting to any of these outlets (or, any outlet at all), get a good feel for the type of content they publish, and read carefully through each outlet's guidelines for submission. The Guardian is a major international newspaper, with a long history, and a good reputation. Here's how to submit: E-mail your essay to [email protected].. No attachments. Op-eds: Publishes opinion pieces on pre-K through 12th grade education in their Commentary section. How to submit a Letter to the Editor Please include your name, address with ZIP code and a daytime phone number. Op-eds: The Register's Opinion section welcomes submissions of guest essays. Email: [email protected]. Include day phone number. Letters: No longer than 200 words. Letters: Email: [email protected]. We also look for pieces that offer insights about life in Iowa and beyond. Letters: Click here to reach the online forum where you can submit your letter, which should be 200 words or fewer. Email: [email protected]. Include text of submission in body of email, or in attached Word Doc. You must have a complete article. Email: [email protected]. The Guardian is a major international newspaper, with a long history, and a good reputation. Letters: 200 words or less. Email: [email protected]. The paper is owned by a Trust, whose sole purpose is to fund the paper, giving it financial and editorial independence. Letters: See instructions for submitting op-eds. Comment, opinion and discussion from the Guardian US | The Guardian Opinion Missouri is all for the right to bear arms - but the right to bare arms is up for debate Arwa Mahdawi The. The name, city of residence and, usually, occupation of writers are published. Commentaries should not exceed 800 words. They pay 310.68 GBP, or ~$450 USD for commissioned work. What more can I do? Provide name, address, and telephone number. All pieces are subject to editing and review by our US-based editorial staff, and we cannot pay kill fees if final pieces do not meet our editorial standards. Email: [email protected]. Online form here -- there are also details on how to mail or fax your piece. Provide full name, address, and telephone number. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. The Los Angeles Times is the largest metropolitan daily newspaper in the country, with a daily readership of 1.4 million and 2.5 million on Sunday, more than 22 million unique latimes.com visitors monthly, and a combined print and online local weekly audience of 4.1 million. Op-eds: Op-eds should be no more than 600 words. The shorter the better. You dont need any special expertise to have your article considered for publication, but if you do, please elaborate. Op-eds: To pitch the Ms. blog. + News Journal/Delaware Online (DE) Op-eds: Send op-ed the same way as letters to the editors. Email: [email protected] or [email protected]. Freedom With Writing | We Send You Paid Writing Opportunities | View Our Privacy Policy. Most editors list their contact information in their Twitter bio. USA TODAY is owned by Gannett Co., Inc. They should not have been published elsewhere or submitted for publication elsewhere. You should provide a cover note giving a brief summary of the article including the authors day and evening phone numbers. Letters: 100 words. Letters cannot exceed 200 words and often run shorter. Submit your 500-600 word piece to [email protected]. SPORT OF ALL KINDS. Voters know that Brexit was a mistake, so when will our politicians admit it? I. Will be contacted within 5 business days if article is chosen. Bay City - [email protected]. Op-eds longer/shorter than that will not be considered. There should be a well-reasoned expert analysis. Please note that Guardian US pitches, if commissioned, will be published online, and few (if any) will appear in the UK-only print edition newspaper. For more information, see our freelance charter. Include address and numbers. 150 words or fewer. Letters: No pseudonyms or or anonymity. Email: [email protected]. - Bakersfield Californian o Op-Eds: Up to 700 words. Max of 700 words, plus a head and shoulders picture, and a short bio. Comments are 750 words. Op-eds: Generally do not publish submissions from out of state authors. They ran the query eight times and used the AI's output to put together the complete article, which is a little over 1,100 words. Email: [email protected]. They prefer text to an attachment. Today's eEdition. Op-eds: All submissions for publication in the Arizona Republic must be accompanied by your full name, your mailing address, and your day phone. Op-eds: Email: [email protected] for consideration. Op-eds: My View is a first-person column to all Western New York writers. The article should be a compelling argument about a timely topic by someone in position of expertise. Must be exclusive to the News Journal. Writers of letters selected for publication will be notified within a week. You can also report any comments you think contravene our Talk Policy so that our moderators are alerted as soon as possible. Email: [email protected]. Include links to previously published work. If we like your idea and ask you to write, we will guide you on word length and deadline. THE TURF. Letters: Email: [email protected]. It is also known its iconic cover art. No anonymity or pseudonymity. Include name, email, and number. Op-eds: Ideally 800-2000 words in length, but any length will be considered. Essays should be 625 words and sent by email to [email protected]. Preference given to local writers. Email: [email protected]. You can submit online here. Submit here. If any individual or group with an interest in the topic you are pitching has compensated you, tell us. No attachments. Submissions should be 600 words. How to Get Your Opinion Piece Published on Vox. While many have pledged support, Germany has a unique historical responsibility toward Zelenskiy and his people. Send by email to [email protected]. Strong opinion. Op-eds: While The Chronicle of Higher Education covers the academy, they are not a scholarly journal. Must be able to provide source material for your arguments. Most of the pieces that we run on Guardian Opinion are news reactive, so they respond to a specific news story that has recently broken. We happily accept submissions, but we ask you to read (and thoughtfully abide by) a few simple guidelines before you send us your pitch. Email: [email protected]. Include a tagline identifying yourself and providing an email address at which interested readers may contact you. If Germany has truly learned from its history, it will send tanks to defend Ukraine, God Save the King doesnt fall from Jamaican lips so easily. Submit online here. Unfortunately, due to the high volume and quality of email we receive, we pass on many pitches and we cannot reply to all of them. Submit magazine submissions to [email protected]. If youd like to submit a pitch about any other subject, please click here to read the pitch guidelines for our UK and Australian colleagues, who cover everything else. Letters: We invite readers to share their thoughts with us by completing the form on our website. You may submit to this online form. You can send letters to [email protected] or go to this link to fill out the letters form. Op-eds: Email: [email protected] and CC [email protected]. Submit to [email protected], with piece attached as a word document, or a pitch in the body of the email. Make sure your email indicates that the piece is intended for the op-ed page. The Times has won more Pulitzer prizes than any other news organization and remains No. Letters: Submit online here. Op-eds: No longer than 650 words. Personal Essays: HuffPost seeks compelling first person stories from diverse contributors in all content areas like sex/relationships, work, identity, health/mental health, body/body image, family, parenting etc. They should be 600 words or less. Find the link. In fact, those have often proved some of our liveliest pieces. Letters: Fill out their online form here. Letters: 250-300 words. Use our Fast LTE Tool to make sure you're including everything that will help get it published. Deal with a single subject. Submit an Op-Ed - The Boston Globe Submit an Op-Ed Updated December 26, 2019, 2:35 p.m. Letters: Maximum length is 250 words and writers should include their full name, address and phone numbers for verification. The address and phone number will not be published. Facts and Arguments is personal rather than political. But please dont just send us completed pieces, as we will have less time to review them in full; we would much rather work with you to shape a good pitch into a great piece than have a good idea arrive, pre-written, in a way that doesnt quite fit. Each section of the paper has an editor available for contact. Op-eds: Email: [email protected]. Max is 650 words. Another Voice is an issues oriented column with a limit of 460 words. Articles are 1500-2500 words, which present reporting and analysis. Submit to [email protected]. The Council sat at 1.45 p.m. Present-Messrs W. Jeffries (County Chairman), T. R. Chesterman, E. A. Submit here. Letters: You can use this form to submit a letter to the editor or a Point of View column, or you can email your submission to [email protected]. Requirement of 150 words or less. Include a bio. Topic must relate to an issue currently in the news and exclusive to the Chicago area. 150 words. Submit online here. Op-eds: [email protected]: Submit to their online form here. If a submission is accepted for print publication, notice of publication is generally send concurrent with posting. Commenting on the site requires a simple registration process sign up now and you'll be able to start posting comments straight away. Letters may be edited for publication in The Huntsville Times, The Birmingham News, or Mobile Press Register. Op-eds: Op-eds for use on The Perspective pages and in Sunday Forum section. Send Your View to [email protected]. You can view our privacy policy Include your fill name, home address, and day number. Op-eds: Email Opinion Editor, Barbara Peters Smith, at [email protected]. Email: [email protected]. To better help you pitch your op-eds, we offer the information for the top online and print publications in the country. 150 words. We send you reviews of freelance writing companies, assignments, Letters and articles may be edited and may be published, reproduced or distributed in print, electronic or other forms. The topic is especially important . Letters: No more than 250 words. They should to be accompanied with an electronic photo of the author for publication. Email: [email protected]. It wont be easy, but watch this space, As parliament debates sweeping away EU rules, MPs should remember that deregulation paved the way to the deadly fire in 2017, In relationships, controlling and coercive behaviour is now a criminal offence. Links are helpful in lending extra credibility to your blogs. Include name, email, home address, day and evening numbers. Email: [email protected]. Mail: Letters to the Editor, Democrats and Chronicle, 55 Exchange Boulevard, Rochester, NY 14614. 49F 54 36. Please provide your name, city and telephone number (telephone numbers will not be published). Photo and links may be requested. Deadline for all submissions is Friday noon of the week preceding publication. An opinion piece is a work that may use insights, opinions, and subjective perspectives to educate the reader. Email your piece along with your JPG headshot to [email protected]. Click here for the online form. o Op-Eds: Submit 750 words or less. 5000 characters. Send a Word attachment to [email protected]. Op-eds should be about public policy issues not personalities. Letters: Only accept letters if you are from Arkansas.