font-family: "jaf-bernino-sans-condensed", sans-serif; Go buy a number of Preval sprayers and buy some pro-quality lacquer, and a gallon of S-W K120 thinner. setTimeout(wait_for_quantities,50); Mohawk Perfect Blend Lacquer Model #: M10207 . This website uses cookies and other tracking technologies (also known as pixels or beacons) to aid your experience (such as viewing videos), as well as performance cookies to analyze your use of this website and to assist with marketing efforts. })(); I was in a store recently that sold sculpture and mold making supplies and they had quarts of nitrocellulose Lacquer. color: #000; If you do not wish to accept cookies from this website, you can choose to not allow cookies from this website by updating your browser preferences. 1,345 19. }); `); } You can buy them from Amazon for about $25/can . There are no order minimums and no limit to how many times you order. Our unique formulas are shipped at spray viscosity to help you save time and money by getting the build you need with less application. View Product. });

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  • message if it's a number and not "many". childList: true, MA612-25207. let trustSealContainer = ` var items = $(".pdp-product-variant").map(function() {
    I'm refinishing now with Rust-oleum 2x clear because I thought it would dry faster than nitro, but it's 9 days of stink per coat. with furniture during shipping. ColorTone Clear Aerosol Guitar Lacquer is formulated especially for musical instruments.
    .cart-slideout .item .status-msg { document.querySelector('.js-product-variants img') 10000 : timeout_killswitch } See more information See more information.

    ColorTone Black Aerosol Guitar Lacquer | Guitar Spray Paint | addStyling(); return; window.$.fn.jquery && ( max-height: inherit !important; Find the tints and some of my other favorite products: guitar kits etc. Their art ranges from traditional, through montage, to impressionism, to modern art pieces, to include triptychs, single panels, and art objects such as bowls, etc.
    if(!v.length) { margin: 30px auto; $(this).find('.tmx-variant-image img').attr('src') || MOHAWK CLASSIC INSTRUMENT LACQUER (Replaces Behlen Stringed Instrument Lacquer) This premium nitrocellulose lacquer is for finishing acoustic guitars and other stringed instruments. setTimeout(function() { padding-bottom: 20px; .stewmax-container__message-check span.modal-link { } .stewmax-container__message-check .info {
    Nitrocellulose lacquer was still a highly flammable material, dissolved in a highly flammable solvent. The guitar's neck has about 8 coats of lacquer, not including 2 coats of vinyl sealer. observer.observe(document.documentElement, { var pv = document.querySelector('.js-product-variants, .js-cart, .js-products'); cart = { var calculateTotalQuantity = function() { margin: 10px; scrollTop: $("#zero-quantity").offset().top - $(window).height() / 2 }); My two cents? `; if (hm === null || m === null) { eNonInteraction: true, Nitrocellulose lacquer can give a beautiful finish if it's used properly. When a clear finish is needed over whites, bright colors, or light wood tones, openWidget(); }); var a = ''+(avail.length ? due to moisture and temperature variations. document.head.insertAdjacentHTML(position, styleElement); `; var checkmark_svg = ` 2 0z. items = items.filter(function(item) { if (cC == 'JPY') Nitorlack colors are the result of an exhaustive study of the historical colors of the . } } Many are simply inaccurate, others are outright false. if (document.querySelector("body > .customer-service")) { max-width: 95%; X #M610-1406 Gloss Classic Instrument Lacquer $ per can, #M610-1406/4 Gloss Classic Instrument Lacquer 4 pack. Or plan for many more cans? }); My lacquer is supplied in 400ml aerosols. } display: none;[data-magic-ua=safari]) body { All Rights Reserved. Guitar Toner Aerosols are used to add controllable, even color to the guitar. width: 100%; $244.26. One for color and one for each layer of clear or does the 'clear' last for the days between coats? Mohawk have been producing guitar finishing products for decades and are the preferred choice by many top American guitar manufacturers. function build_cart() {
    If you do not wish to accept cookies from this website, you can choose to not allow cookies from this website by updating your browser preferences. Get a cotton bud and dip it in Acetone. Quart Lacquer Flattener $, (we will be selling this under the Behlen Brand until supplies run out). margin: 0 0 10px; font-size: 20px; font-family: arial; Model #: M10207. } #stewmax-learn-more .modal-content { 40 Sheen. When I do a drop fill touch-up such as this I start with a watered-down glue sizing to seal those torn fibers. top: 0; display: flex; $("#zero-quantity").removeClass("d-none"); Or at LEAST have sprayed a test over one of the scrap test jobs done before starting on the guitar.
    Anime: The Misfit of Demo King Academy. Our Tobacco Brown toner gives the classic if (!'.cart-slideout')) close_slideout(); document.querySelector("header").prepend(csBanner); giftForm.find('input[name="cartType"]').val("Shopping"); return Number($(this).find('[name="quantity"]').val()) > 0; } There is a difference between furniture grade lacquer build_observer(check, code, true, true, false); } Dye allowed for pretty translucent finishes and fantastic sunbursts. Solvent-based nitrocellulose lacquer has been the dominant finish used by U.S. musical instrument factories for steel string guitars, archtop guitars, banjos and mandolins since the 1920's. It would not be an exaggeration to say that all, or nearly all, vintage/collectible American factory steel string instruments are finished in lacquer. observer.observe(target || document.documentElement, { Bridges, Tuners, Pickguards, for Electric Guitar, Easy to Build, Fun to Play!Mini Guitar Kit SPECIAL SALE. .msg-wrap br { }); let new_img = document.createElement('img'); monitorChangesByConditionAndRun(check, code);
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  • . When applied at heavier depths then rubbed to perfection, a much greater shine and depth of finish is achieved. Home; 2023-01-14; 2023-01-13; 2023-01-12; 2023-01-11; 2023-01-10; 2017-05-30; 2020-10-30; . display: block; e.setAttribute('class', 'MagicZoom mz-no-rt-width-css'); const variant = 3; }; .js-product-variants .mz-figure>img { The s. font-size: 19px; setTimeout(wait_for_header, 50); . FINISHER''S CHOICE CLEAR LACQUER MATTE 20 SHEEN GAL. The first step is to sand the body with 800-grit sandpaper to a flat, dull finish. If the lacquer is too soft, crushing if the instrument is dinged or dented. function send_event(event) {

    Just my 2.5 cents. Available in spray and can format. padding: 20px; if (window.location.href.replace(window.location.origin, '').startsWith('/my-account/login/?returnUrl=%2fcheckout')) { type: 'POST', Pro-Mark Marker 12 Pack Assortment #1 } mohawk lacquer toner. new_img.setAttribute('title', img.getAttribute('title') || ''); } Next page. setTimeout(() => check_customer_service(checkCount), 100); = "relative"; All colours, unless otherwise noted, give a glossy finish. let parent = img.parentElement; Wood.
  • var css = document.createElement("style"); try { }, 150); The primary difference is the lacquer's .cart-slideout .item { }); /*Stewmac - Sticky header Ready to spray with no thinning required, for faster finish build-up in multiple coats; .

    } || canonical.startsWith('/electronics/amps/tubes-valves/') setUpButton($('.js-add-to-cart-slideout'), false); var check_customer_service = function (checkCount = 0) { Product is supplied at ready to spray viscosity but can be thinned with lacquer reducer if necessary. Read more about our PrivacyandCookiesPolicy. Brand: Mohawk Finishing Products. of color. $('body').append(` max-width: 100% !important; function setUpButton($button, isDisabled) { line-height: 1.2; The "Stringed Instrument lacquers" from Behlens, Mohawk, etc., contain more and . var $spinner = $(this).find(".input-spinner"); Gloss - Quart. 2 to 3 banjo . document.querySelectorAll('.js-product-variants img') } Re: Guitar Prices. You might want an extra bottle for thinner, for flushing purposes. parent.setAttribute('data-zoom', 'true'); .cart-slideout .item .item-amount { // delayed execution var m = document.querySelector("body > main"); //