Thats NOT a great system, but it will work. Even though they claimed I could have the freedom to do what I want, the freedom really meant you could hang out with other Cydcor people because they're the only one's who will understand you. I will still skim the emails just in case, but its rarely worth pursuing at this point in my career. Funny how that fault went away the day I quit. My employers in the past 25 years are large, global, and/or public companies, and everything has to be done yesterday. and not looking to advance any further up the food chain. Checklists are gold for consistent proofing and you can add another step if a new error crops up. I work in one of the most academically snobby fields there is (having a degree is not even good enough its got to be a degree from a highly-selective school), and it gives me some delight that one of the most highly compensated and pretty much indispensable people has only a high school degree and has no problem directly calling BS on those who make disparaging comments about peoples educations. OP, this is something to raise to your boss or higher up HR people. Beware of Cydcor and their little sister companies this "opportunity" is back handed and backwards. Im working for a pyramid scheme We have a thriving corporate culture as dynamic as the people who live and breathe it every day. We usually ignore do not enter signs or do not solicit signs in hopes we can sign people up for these truly s**t products. Im very good with big picture and pride myself about being obsessive about details. The consequence of NOT doing so is that Susan Smiths recommendation letter might be thrown away because nobody is in the (federally managed) application system under that name. Myself, an entrepreneurship major, found this as a perfect opportunity to learn proper management skills. Anyway, commenters are saying that recommendations are written about a single person, and the colleges will understand that. Maybe some questioned why my mom's ex-husband would say one of her eulogies, but for those close to her we know how much my mother adored my father and appreciated his friendship and all he had done. That was one of the sorriest things i've ever witnessed. You > Them. And people who are dyslexic or dysgraphic get an even more immediate benefit, because they can focus on context. I have done many Google and Glassdoor searches on the company, and all came back positive. Its an argument for checking with Susan lw can point out that she wants people to know the letter goes with their application materials and make sure the name Susan is on there somewhere but thats about it imo. Members are encouraged or required to live and/or socialize only with other group members. I am proud of my education and certainly dont think it was a waste, although it was expensive. Has your experience with this business or person been good? Do you have a trusted Co-worker that can proofread? Creepiest thing I've experienced in my 22 year life. There may be other reasons to denote it this way, though. I imagine that so few people stay for 6 months, they dont expect to ever have to follow through. for 2 weeks work but they of course tax you on your check so about 120.00. and of course it isn't mandatory but you should go to team nights which you must use a bulk of your money and poker nights where most employees have too much fun if you catch my drift. Several people reviewed it and it went to print on a tradeshow booth wall, so it was a not cheap to reprint and express ship to the event. Im not sure what he/they means exactly I get the concept, but Ive typically seen he, him, his or they, them ,theirs . The group then breaks out in cult-like rituals by playing games, chanting, dancing, giving a ridiculous amount of high-fives, and praising their "national conference" like its the greatest thing on God's green earth. I hope that this will come back to bight them in the you know what. I work in the life sciences (one of those places where you usually need a degree because of the specific things you learn getting that degree), but one of our best lab folks had a BA in music (I never quite got the story of how she went from music to cancer biology). So, Id show the 3.5% number to my boss, hed say oh, you didnt adjust for inflation in those numbers, and Id update the chart but not the title. You only want to be socializing with positive attitude people. You could say Susan Smith (he/they) as part of the letter. It is the nature of the beast. I wish you many adventures in the months ahead! I woke up on the morning of June 3rd to my father relaying to be the worst nightmare of my life. The more differences there are, the more easily your brain can see it as new, needs review.. Dont be self conscious about your education, presumably your peers and HR person have years more yet still have not learned how to behave! But this is a very local specific example and we dont fault new grads for accepting a job there because the bar hasnt been able to spread the word enough the company files defamation lawsuits against anyone that tries to warn the schools. Especially if you influence others to dissent!#5 Each office has at least 5 chants.#6 It starts with them preaching about attitude. Estimated amount consumers saved since 1997: $15,590,010,907. Meanwhile, hold your head high. Trained alot of guys. 3. If itd been pertinent and normal, itd be the LWs manager or team supervisor doing it and it wouldnt be done like this and the LW knows the difference even if some people dont. A lot of people would miss the error in that sentence because 1) they read in chunks, not one word at a time 2) the brain sees what it expects to see, which is why seemingly glaring errors sometimes get missed. Once youre out, Id check with your state labor commission website to see if thats legal. Im just speaking as a record-keeping professional about how this could realistically go wrong. 8. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. I agree that it is not asking them to go back into the closet. It was right after the recession and I had no other opportunities so I tried it. The more you practice at it the more natural it will feel for your whole team. I dont think that would be the most considerate way to do things. Saw the list of the syptoms of a cult. GroupM is the worlds leading media investment company responsible for more than $50B in annual media investment through agencies Mindshare, MediaCom, Wavemaker, Essence and m/SIX, as well as the outcomes-driven programmatic audience company, Xaxis. Be cautious with them. One of them doesnt have a degree, and yet here they all are in the same place. I was furious because I never would have used my precious PTO for this purpose had I known it was for a MLM. Thank you to anyone who answers my question or calls me out for offending the non-binary community. When looking for the root cause, I realized I usually made these mistakes because the analysis I did to get this number would often undergo a change after I initially created the slide. Not all mistakes are careless. Experience at the company has caused you to have ethical concerns, and so you are looking for another role. What Cydcor's scam businesses refer to as an "owner"he or she is the one actually running the businesses'/location's scam. Cydcor is a real company and resell services for Rogers. Also they will do just enough to make you believe that you are going to get promoted, just need to do a few more things. I've worked at multiple companies over the years and this by far has been my favorite company. So Im a cisgender female and my email signature says Surly Fakename (she/her/hers), BlahBlah University, etc. As with Alisons answer, those are also good points. media investment company Notably, all franchises have different names and sructures, but only subtle differences. Not everyone has the same pronoun feelings.). Why on earth would they take on a commitment like that for no reason? Sometimes I get stuff kicked back to me and I am just truly baffled and mortified that I possibly could have missed it. No! Shed fire them. Our Brand Ambassadors act as the face of our clients and interact with our customers at our events. Its still federally mandated that certain records (Financial Aid, etc.) Cydcor's culture puts integrity first as it fosters the growth, leadership, and excellence of our team. Going backwards helps me slow down and literally take it a word at a time. Yes, the rubber ducky technique applied to presentations! Who knows how things will be in the next few years. also there will be unexplained "cancellations" on your checks so its even worse than you expect. I am not trans or nonbinary but this is my understanding as well based on people I know. c the ones where my stakeholders are most likely to notice a mistake: when I presented salary figures to the CEO, he was naturally more likely to notice a mistake in the salaries of his direct reports than in those of employees with 6 manager levels in between them. A social ceremony was performed before the lecture, where you were to stand around talking casually, but in reality the transfers approached us and tired to make us feel comfortable. Bachem Reviews FAQs Is Bachem a good company to work for? Ithank you. For me, all the automated spell checks are of no use because I struggle with homophones words which are spelled differently but pronounced the same. Ive only recently learned much about MLMs (although Im just gonna say I LOVE my Tupperware!) Ours sold Quill office supplies. Theres nothing wrong with only having a high school diploma and I hope you can find a way not to be embarrassed that some of your colleagues know (if anything, it makes whatever professional advancement youve achieved more impressive), but your HR manager sounds like an ass. Is GroupM a good company to work for? Many offices go through the very same interview process each and every day by giving applicants false hope of what they are applying for. Where someone went to school or what degrees they have attained are not a secret. 13. I felt successful, but I couldn't build a team. I was so pissed off I couldn't finish my food. There is nothing wrong with taking risks, but truly successful people take calculated risks. My 3.8 GPA, marketing experience, organizational experience, and set of leadership skills literally meant nothing -- I was at the bottom with people who didn't even attend college! One other point: The question you are asking is not Would you like to revert but What name are you using in your application materials and How do you want to be referred to? And presumably you are not asking for your convenience, but to make sure that your recommendation is as useful to them as possible. And then add to that the urgency factor and I have a problem. Im still glad I got it but you are not a lesser person for not having it. already will, and Susan never has to know what the letter said. Most people realize the ethical issues with a few weeks on the job and bail. I agree. I have one nonbinary friend who really prefers no pronouns (which can be tricky, but ze does have a short name, which helps) and is okay with the ze set of pronouns to make things easier. Im glad to give back some of the good feelings you have given me. It seemed unlikely you would delete dissenting comments, but equally surprising that there arent more of them. OP1, you need to get out as soon as you can. There are a million and one reason why someone might not want to come out in a job or college application, and in the context of this letter it actually doesnt matter why Susan is or is not being out. Jane Mark Smith (he/they) may be the best way to acknowledge this going forward. He has opened up a new company called 45 Inc. From experience, LinkedIn works in mysterious ways. Your not required to live with each other - though it usually works out that way. There are days when you just need your mom. Id only be laughing at myself if I pointed out that I spent all that time and money on the degree, and have ended up in exactly the same position as everyone else. Im out with friends but not at work (if someone asked me directly I wouldnt lie, but Im not planning to come out), I want my references to use my AGAB pronouns. Who has time to cook dinner?#14 Partial. by the people and upper management who train them. In the end you don't realize when you take someone out on 2nd and 3rd round interviews that they have to come with you to sell their products using deceptive words and pitch to get "customers" to sign up for their products in 4-6 hours in the bitter cold or horrible Chicago Climates usually they are ill-prepared as you are walking in snow and flooded walkways in dress shoes and heels. The cost was subsidized but not entirely covered by the employer, but the time studying wasnt, there wouldnt be an increase in pay, and retirement was approaching. Read it paragraph by paragraph, even sentence buy sentence, starting at the end and finishing at the beginning. I knew this was a door to door sales job, I was ready to work hard for little pay, but too much wasnt right with the company. If your company has a similar crazy reputation, a short stint there wont be an issue and it may make sense to keep it on your resume as an explanation for the gap / short hop. Id say its definitely worth clarifying with the student, though, since some people who specify two proud sets like that mean I want you to use they/them but I can live with he/him and others mean I want you to use he/him but I can live with they/them. If youre looking for wording, something like I wanted to check with you about which name and pronouns youd like me to use in this letter. Yeah, I had a 1-on-1* with this offices HR person, and when I asked what a typical day was like, it was 100% interviews & emailing candidates. in the analysis. Curious follow-up question: how did things go with their numbers? Someone guffawed and asked who had the high school degree (its me). Although I dont have much confidence in your HR higher ups doing the right thing. LW #2 A technique that people with language LDs use to proofread for spelling/typos is scanning the text backwards. It was my fault somehow every time. Im sorry to hear that, and Im sending virtual hugs is you want them. Thats part of the scam. If the name Susan is on his application somewhere as the name he uses, just use that. Just use the pronouns. About half of US states still have no minimum floor and statistics show that child marriage isnt just 17-yos, plenty are under 15. With the pandemic, if I were you, Id aggressively keep looking. Keep in mind that this checklist is meant to stimulate thought, not "diagnose" groups.1. EDIT: I see my thread sort of actually catching on; if something doesn't make sense to you please let me know in the comments and I'll be glad to clarify. At that point, Id already tainted my reputation and had been tasked with TWICE the amount of work. At that point they tell the interview they are only inviting a few candidates back for a second round interview and if they are selected they will receive a call later in the evening. I was mortified but never mentioned it to him. Yep, one of the more insidious as they keep changing names to avoid a bad rep. Just before everyone went WFH, management changed all the name placards in the building so that they say if you have a PhD (but not if you have a Masters). #2 Is it possible to put together a standard checklist that you can reuse? I find printing the document is a very good way of changing the appearance, but if you dont want to waste paper, simply copying and pasting the text from powerpoint to word (for example) will help. 4) And of course, make sure you preach about the opportunity because nobody will be excited about the actual job itself or the money you will make in reality while being in the field. Agreed x1000. LW1 dont worry about how other companies will view your HR experience there, you arent going to get any. Because applications can be super official, you can check that hes using his name in the application and wants to be referred to as Susan in the letter. I think the issue that people are taking is that getting a degree isnt the cure for OP#3s problems that their HR person has serious boundary issues, primarily, nor their stated insecurity about their lack of degree despite their professional success. If I read a cover letter or interviewed someone who said they worked there during the pandemic because they needed to, and learned a lot about what not to do, and got out as quickly as possible, I would be open to that explanation. For me, I get so sucked into a task that even when Im proofreading Ill miss mistakes! and our #3 please never feel ashamed about any degree level. This sounds like a similar complaint. yes, for the 2nd person. I mean keep figuring out why it happened and how to stop it until you are ready to scream. I don't see it as a con, yet for some, they may perceive the strive to continue to improve as a con so it may not be a fit for all people. I worked there for three months. Despite this, the salesman training me went into 44 businesses that day and tried to lie to each of them. Seems like a solid job right? After reading about the company, finding negative and downright frightening reviews, and then digging into how it REALLY got started; well Ive decided to take employment elsewhere. ), some who have a prefered set and a set they dont mind, and some who just like all the pronouns they use about equally. I would be confused by he/they as well which one am I supposed to use? manager to refer all questions of compensation til the 2nd interview. #2: If youre concerned about spelling, grammar, or style errors, try reading your writing out loud. That thing with the pay sounds really fishy. Oh, I left, too. I believe it man, there's a lot of stuff out there like this. Like, genuinely upset and annoyed that this sign said that they had a doctorate. They call it business-to-business to save themselves the embarassment from being called door-to-door salesmen. Well, gee, thanks for the pile on when I was simply trying to encourage someone. 2: I suggest getting your computer to read stuff out to you. Your experience and performance are what is really worth it, and at least some of the jerks guffawing at you in the breakroom, unless they are all engineers or something, may have college degrees, but probably dont all have ones even related to their field, based on statistics out there. It is especially helpful if I read or write something else, so my brain has to see the document as if for the first time. I had been tricked into becoming a door-to-door salesman. If you are looking at a spreadsheet, you have to look at each input cell individually. Original ripoff report is 100% accurate. Im a 2020 grad in a highly competitive industry that requires struggle jobs even during normal times and has completely shut down due to COVID. CEO Approval. Minimally it is a way to discuss the incident without being confrontational say to them that you all were talking about me not having a degree, so I was wondering if the company supports employees in pursuing education with tuition reimbursement You could do it via email if you didnt want to say it in person. Its also useful because normally Id be reading them on my computer. You can have a countless number of father figures in your life, but really as my mom always said, " you only get one mom.". Printing this information out and using it to make fun of people in the break rooms, though, is not at all acceptable and would bring our head of HR down on you like a ton of bricks. . ) at each input cell individually myself about being obsessive about details never it. That it is not asking them to go back into the closet im very good with big and. 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Rarely worth pursuing at this point in my 22 year life can proofread pyramid. Door-To-Door salesmen keep figuring out why it happened and how to stop it until are.