According to Duncan and Welch, the bulk of the story centers around a drug-smuggler named Adler Berriman Seal, also known as Barry. Barry Seal, the son of a candy wholesaler, was born in Baton Rouge on 16th July, 1939. Seal then made a series of drug-smuggling>flights, all with DEA approval. Barry Seal gunrunner, drug trafficker, and covert C.I.A. There is no information on Barry Seal's net worth, but it must have been substantial. (denied notes). Died of a gunshot wound to the back of the head, ruled a suicide. Between>his salary as a tenured pilot with TWA and the money he made as a gun runner,>Seal had gotten used to a rather high standard of living. Lee Odom said He met Clay Shaw Nov 1966. The poster for the movie "American Made," to be released Friday, Sept. 29, shows a grinning, cocky . Question: Was Barry Seal's C-123K aircraft (serial number 54-File: Attachment Size; DOC_0001289717.pdf: 37.21 KB: . That is not to say we do not have expenseslots of them. Of the>thirty islands in the tiny chain, only six are inhabited. Your identity will never be revealed. Likewise, we do not charge a subscription fee for our blog. >7. [45], >Former Arkansas State Police Investigator Russell Welch has been quoted as>saying he believed Arkansas was a main thoroughfare into which most of the>flow of drugs from Central America entered the United States in the 1980s. Minute entry, 8 January 1986, U.S. v. Seal. Barry Seal was a CIA agent and a very successful cocaine smuggler. >When Seal returned to the Turks and Caicos in February, he initially met with>Smith. Even criminals have a love life and Barry Seal was no different. Ibid., 521; Reed and Cummings, Compromised, 221, 223. While in the>islands, Seal was introduced to Aulden Smith and, at the DEA's behest, paid>Smith two thousand dollars to be introduced to Norman Saunders. Exclusive: Tom Cruise's portrayal of drug-smuggler-turned-government-informant Barry Seal is a fast-paced visit back to the Reagan era's shadowy world of the CIA, cocaine and secret wars . Some, like>Terry Reed, who claims to have been a CIA "asset" himself in the 1980s, have>gone much further.[31]. Smith pointed him in Norman Saunders' direction>and helped arrange a meeting with Saunders at Arthur's hangar. Thats not likely. . Three can keep a secret if two are dead. Carlos Marcello, Pingback: Podcast Recap: #208 Freeway Ricky Ross The Joe Rogan Experience Database, Pingback: Did Jeb Bush, VP George Herbert Walker Bush and Oliver North Murder CIA Drug Smuggler Barry Seal in February, 1986? The problem, for Seal anyway, was that,>during this entire period, government agents at various levels were working>independently of each other to hit the same target. Another company, Brodix Manufacturing,>had the machinery to cast the parts (lower receiver housings and carrier>assemblies) necessary to convert semiautomatic into automatic rifles,>especially M-16s. >4. After the details were discussed and "a division of>labor" was decided on, Seal promised that the islanders would divide at least>$1,250,000 annually. [13] In early 1984, months before the actual>indictment was handed down in Baton Rouge, Seal had realized that it was only>a matter of time before the death knell sounded on his $25 million-a-year>drug-trafficking operation. >Because of the overwhelming evidence against him, Seal had been forced to>plead guilty in 1984 to drugtrafficking charges in an unrelated federal court>proceeding in south Florida. The CIA, DEA, and State Department have each been implicated in various drug trafficking enterprises that were used to fund illegal covert operations in nations all over the globe. Much of the factual information about Seal is based on the author's>personal knowledge. And, because of judge Frank Polozola's gross negligence in>forcing Seal to adjust his lifestyle to fit into an orderly and completely>predictable routine, everyone knew exactly where Barry Seal would be after>5:00 P.m. each day. Seals offshore bank accounts disappeared and the IRS filed a multi-million dollar lien against his assets. "[38] The federal>Criminal Code prohibits the "transfer or possession of machineguns" unless>they were lawfully registered before 19 May 1986. Simply click on the Donate button here and contribute whatever you feel appropriate. After their release, Seal contacted Camp, and he>became Seal's partner, copilot, and best friend. But Im writing incessantly and should stop. Cruz and>Vasquez were in the Buick with Velez and were armed with 9 millimeter>automatic weapons. no. Send a free subscription to a friend or subscribe for yourself. Lots of strange Occurrences and Strange Coincidences and An investigative report into a scandal that haunts the reputations. box number in their address books and this coded form ,the unpublished phone number of Jack Ruby in 1963.The Code by use the Telephone dial for conversion of letters and numbers explained the letters P.O.becomes the digit 13,only exchange which numbers 13 converts to in Dallas -He added -Is WhiteHall -when Unscrambled,becomes 1-6901 by subtract 1300 from 1-6901,(garrison) he added,the result ,if 1-5601.Jack Ruby unpublished number Dallas texas in 1963 was WHITEHALL 1-5601.The code involvestransposition of digits accord to pattern then add -sub-of numbers ,familiar to Oswald ,that Jack Ruby unlisted phone number ,coded formhas been found ,notebooks by Lee harvey Oswald/Clay Shaw.Jim Garrison was once that figured out landlady Earlene Roberts is Bertha Cheeks sister which means that Lee Harvey Oswald knew Either email addresses are anonymous for this group or you need the view member email addresses permission to view the original message. of three presidents Reagan, Bush, and Clinton. They all claim that Barry Seal involved clandestine activities. BARRY SEAL: He imported drugs and laundered money while working for the federal government. Reed and Cummings, Compromised, 106-108. They remained partners until>Camp's untimely death in a plane crash just north of Mena, Arkansas, on 20>February 1985. On 1st July, 1972, Barry Seal was arrested in New Orleans and accused of sending C4 explosives to anti-Castro Cubans in Mexico. U.S. authorities wanted to put him on trial for drug smuggling. (connection mob) Mr. WEINER I know him, yes.Mr. Earlene Roberts maybe knew Bertha Cheeks that knew Jack Ruby as New Orleans Times Picayune, 6 March 1986, reported that Seal's brother, Ben>(also known as "Benjy"), had commented that there was nothing Barry Seal>couldn't fly. Sam Giancana Mexico 1965 1975 .In A pril 1 97 2,Lucien Sarti was shot todeath in Mex ico City.Jean Souetre, a.k.a. The balcony of the motel gave>the second-floor occupants an unobstructed view of the lot where Seal>customarily parked his car. Residents in Seal's hometown of Baton Rouge Louisiana might be expected to have standards slightly more exacting. 506-508. >30. Cruise will play Louisiana-born smuggler Adler B Seal, known as Barry, in the biopic Mena, set in the 1980s and directed by Doug Liman, who also directed the star in Edge of Tomorrow. In Seal's words, "You could easily drive a couple of jeeps and>bigger vehicles into [The Fat Lady] and be on your way." >Special drug prosecutors Bradley C. Myers and Albert J. Winters, Jr., with the>New Orleans office of the U.S. Attorney's Organized Crime Strike Force, knew>all of that and had been breathing down Seal's neck for months. Using my iPhone, I shot this video of the Mena Intermountain Municipal Airport on July 22, 2016. A joint investigation by the FBI, Arkansas State Police and IRS revealed that Barry Seal used the Mena airport for "smuggling activity" from late 1980 until March, 1984, according . Part of the $48 million paid by Iran to the U.S. for the Hawk and TOW missiles was in turn used to fund the Contras in their fight against the Marxist Sandinistas. In practice, it meant they would be given a few tax breaks, in>addition to other incentives, for cooperating with people like Seal. He was well aware of the drug-smuggling>activity and logically concluded it was creating a problem that only a money->laundering scheme of gargantuan proportions could ameliorate. After his>trip to Washington where he met with the Vice-Presidential Task Force, Seal>had become the DEA's prize informant. However, it>was the final special condition that Seal's lawyers would object to most>strenuously, and for good reason. >16. No of Kids with Barry: Dean, Aaron, and Christina Seal. MENA They called him the Fat Man. Matrisciana, Clinton Chronicles, 51. His>favorite mode of transportation for these flights was a modified military>C-123 aircraft he affectionately referred to as The Fat Lady. > When he was cross-examined in the Saunders trial, Seal didnt deny that>he "had worked on CIA-sponsored activities in Nicaragua," and he admitted that>"the CIA installed the cameras in the C-123," which were used in the>Sandinista sting operation. [41] All other automatic weapons are illegal. Terry Reed knew Oliver North / Feliz Rodruez. Rich Mnt Aviation Inc Star Route 9 box 6G Mena Arkansas.Seal coin operated phone booths 12688-13241 Perkins Rd.Barry Seal box 64801 baton Rouge.Seal Planes Piper Navajo ,Piper Seneca,Cessna,Piper Azteo, beech, beechcraft Kingair,etc!Seal 8216 Oakbrook Dr Baton Rouge.David Ferrie took everyone up in his Stinson planesbut David Ferrie rented many . Adler Berriman "Barry" Seal (July 16, 1939 - February 19, 1986) murdered in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Tom Cruise will portray Baton Rouge drug-smuggler-turned-federal-informant Barry Seal (pictured) in the upcoming Universal Pictures feature film 'Mena.' (The Times-Picayune archive) Letter of 19 November 1985, prepared by U.S. Attorney Stanford 0.>Bardwell, on file of record in U.S. v. Seal, Crim. The DEA, long aware of his>drug-smuggling activities, had finally caught up with him in Florida, where>federal prosecutors had a field day. Bush, as VP under Reagan, was put in charge of the Reagan administrations drug task force and Seal had contacted Bushs office in order to cooperate with the feds to avoid a prison sentence for drug smuggling in Florida. Your email address will not be published. But, Barry's first love was>flying. (date 11-22-63- ferrie left his 2buddys )David Ferrie flight plan date 4-8-1963.flight plan vfr type craft cessna Name command: W Ferrieaddress command: N.O. Both Smith and Missick were interested in Seal's proposal and>were given cash advances on the spot out of what Seal called his "trafficker>fund" (money 'provided by the DEA for its informants' use) for "transportation>expenses" associated with a meeting arranged for Miami in March. He was married three times throughout his life. But even in death, Seal would not go away easily. [47] It may well be that the CIA>was hesitant to divulge Seal's activities on its behalf for fear that a leak>would jeopardize its effectiveness in aiding the Contras. That condition was as follows: >(6) The defendant [Seal] shall reside at the Salvation Army Community>Treatment Center, 7361 Airline Highway, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, for a period>of six (6) months. Another was through the little town of Mena, in western>Arkansas. A copy>of the letter is in the Court's record, in U.S. v. Seal. Both learned to fly from the same Civil Air Patrol instructor>at the same private airport. Crews, passengers, and>cargo apparently didn't have to go through Customs if the aircraft was landing>at Mena for retrofitting. Seal had discovered, flying into Mena from outside the>continental United States, that under certain circumstances U.S. Customs>agents at the airport did not inspect aircraft. The mysteries of Mena revolve around a drug-smuggling pilot named Barry Seal. (Arkansas State Criminal Investigator Russell Welch), to former drug pilots, that have testified that the CIA operation Barry Seal set up in Mena was used, and is still being used, to smuggle drugs with official sanction into the . Adler Berriman "Barry" Seal (July 16, 1939 - February 19, 1986) was an American airline pilot who became a major drug smuggler for the Medelln Cartel. 14 - Florence Martin - Accountant & sub-contractor for the CIA, was related to the Barry Seal Mena Airport drug smuggling case.