But the genetics looks interesting and might deserve better linguistics or archaeology. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/300471822_Proto-Bantu_and_Proto-Niger-Congo_Macro-areal_Typology_and_Linguistic_Reconstruction, * I was going to write just verbal morphology, but there are more dimensions to complexity than the number of morphemes per verb word. Again, Dagbani and Mampruli are so close on a Swadesh-100 metric that they might as well be the same language; but so is Kusaal, which is not mutually comprehensible with either and is quite different (and much more conservative, overall) phonologically and to some extent morphologically and syntactically. This helped me get a ground sense of how the grouping may not be as strong as some would have it, DE. Via Dmitry Pruss on Facebook, an open-access Cell paper, The genomic history of the Middle East by Mohamed A. Almarri, Marc Haber, Reem A. Lootah, Pille Hallast, Saeed Al Turki, Hilary C. Martin, Yali Xue, and Chris Tyler-Smith: The Middle East region is important to understand human evolution and migrations but is underrepresented in genomic studies. Even home pages of Russian girls in 2000 are better. mereswine*) Etymologically the u is long, so an actual Modern English cognate might have become ourox. I think it was Militarev who decided that the two phyla were related because of the (evident and entirely real) similarities between Songhay and Mande. Gonia Jarema, in Handbook of Neurolinguistics, 1998. Dr. Vince Bantu (PhD in Semitic and Egyptian Languages, CUA) is the Ohene (President) of the Meachum School of Haymanot and is Assistant Professor of Its true that you rarely find whole cazones at the market in Spain, but thats true of most large fish (try finding a whole swordfish, or even a whole conger eel!) Because why not. Rather than the diversity I would expect from fractality even with an overlay of sprachbunds. I seem to recall quite a lot being made of the -s derivational suffix plausibly reconstructed on other grounds for Old Chinese, for example. NS is no less speculative than Nostratic. In my own pet area, Oti-Volta, it is notable that there is a sharp drop in language diversity as you go from East to West, which looks very likely to be connected with the rise and expansion of the Mossi-Dagomba states and their very closely related Western Oti-Volta languages over the past six or seven centuries. I told the program that Lojban was the root and let it rip. (African folklore is poor and overwhelmingly of Eurasian origin, no comparison to uniqueness and richness of Native American or Australian Aboriginal folklore). Anyone who imposes a very specific requirement can find herself in the same situation as a certian internet poliglot who says that you cant learn a foreign language without listening to it (like learning to play violin without actually trying). Probably. Competing synonyms for nouns only have pairwise cases: two each of pole, bark and mouth, as well as root, vein | vein, sinew and breath, soul | soul, self; adjectives have two cases of dry and possibly big. Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et Lexicales This needs to be qualified for a verb-final language like Turkish, where the unmarked means of clause linkage is by nonfinite, nominalized constructions. Separately, the comments about the sizes of fish around the world set me thinking. Li ka nuaa. was evidently oversimplifying the matter, but not crudely. No luck. An odd thing about Swadesh lists (and broader lexical comparison) in Oti-Volta is that there is very noticeably more agreement among nouns than verbs. What we did [] was to construct a database including several WGmc and two NGmc languages to serve as an outgroup. Plenty of sea (and fish) around Wales/Brythonic territory, so presumably there was a pre-Roman word for it. Not one has as yet been discarded by the profession as a whole. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Commented-On Language Hat Posts (courtesy of J.C.; contains useful Random Link feature). guinea pig (Meerschweinchen) In standard historical linguistics, all the arguments are laid out and you can argue whether they are valid, based on what is known about language change. P.S. Thus, in acquiring the sound system, babies proceed from universal crying to uttering a range of speech sounds, followed by babbling, which is increasingly restricted to elements of the native language to a point where eventually the system will be so constrained as to impose a nonnative pronunciation in other languages. 2005: From words to dates: water into wine, mathemagic or phylogenetic inference? singulative I learned this word in a Breton lesson. - Some scholars had thought that the bundling of areal traits, clustering at the boundaries of a linguistic area, might be necessary for defining a linguistic area, though this has proven a poor criterion. (Hausa has borrowed two; Thai has borrowed one through ten.). https://escholarship.org/uc/item/2699d31r, Better is his treatment here of a range of Northern East Sudanic languages here: ScienceDirect is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. ScienceDirect is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. Much of the Leiden Schools work rests on interpreting *h as []. In Lopit, an Eastern Nilotic language, nouns are usually fixed as masculine or feminine, with no clear motivation or reliable rules for the gender assignment in the case of sexless referents, but feminine can replace masculine for bigger things and vice versa (contrary to the usual pattern.) But piling up small dialects and koine is a bad idea. grammatical evidence is the main basis for classification. Speculative Grammarian The closest one, though a dead language, is Canaanite, of which Hebrew is one of its derivatives. The others are Phoenician, Ugaritic, and Punic (C PIE *Vs()rV > *VzrV > PGmc *VrV. Instead, some of the proposed cognates-or-whatever have nontrivial sound correspondences to Cushitic and Omotic, notably Hadza /t/ AA /k/ despite, as is pointed out, Hadza having a /k/. If such a migration took place, then there should be scattered loaned livestock terms in Nilo-Saharan languages all the way between the Nile and Lake Chad. Would-be projectors of a Bantu-like system further back have traditionally argued that this is because languages with less exuberant systems have lost classes. [5] In German, OHG r primordial was compounded with ohso ox, giving rohso, which became the early modern Aurochs. Igor M. Diakonoff (1996) subdivides Afroasiatic in two, grouping Berber, Cushitic, and Semitic together as East-West Afrasian (ESA), and Chadic with Egyptian as North-South Afrasian (NSA). However, when the omission of inflections would result in a different root,2 subjects revert to substitution of the affix, while retaining the target root (cf. As I said, the low-hanging fruit has been picked. Her exact location depend on your sample or when you have sampled all people, it depends on the moment when you ask about her location. Seriously, both English and Russian have many pig words. Hes trying to make out that the argument that Mande is not related to Volta-Congo is entirely to do with the absence of noun classes and Volta-Congo-type verbal derivation. Mehri ayd, Jibbali ud, od, Socotri odh fish, beside Hebrew yid a hunt, hunting and Syriac ayd hunting, hunt, prey, quarry) is similar to this, too. As a native speaker of Spanish, I stand by my characterisation. And this is probably ridiculously irrelevant, but I have a friend from the region whose English ds come out a little ragged that way. Ive posted it here before, but cant find it right now. The method which the adapters employed in turning the Egyptian script to their own use was dubbed the acrophonic principle by the British Egyptologist Sir Alan Gardiner. In truth, the difference between morphological characters and lexical ones is quantitative rather than qualitative. Heres something from the North Africa article relevant to this discussion: >In addition to these ancient North African Epipaleolithic genomes, five individuals from the Early Neolithic Ifri nAmr or Moussa (IAM) site were analyzed together with four Late Neolithic samples from Kelif el Boroud (KEB) . ), Roger, on the other hand, seems to think Nilo-Saharan is not only real but obviously real. remained a mystery for me until you wrote about characters and states. Clothing can be masculine or feminine depending on who is wearing it , In Turkana, masculine, feminine and neuter are generally fixed properties of nouns, again with no obvious motivation in the case of sexless referents, but masculine can mean bigger and neuter smaller, while feminine in the case of normally-masculine vegetable referents can mean dead., but feminine can replace masculine for bigger things Aha! His proposed Proto-NES form for sister as given there is *kdt, however. except for Semitic, which is also spoken in the Middle-East and Malta, all branches of the Afrosiatic family are spoken exclusively on the African continent. Geez 7 mouth is particularly suspicious. This is Very True Indeed. Well, Irish has contrived to turn into (very guttural languages the pair of them, the Gaelic and the German.). You enter and say what a chad or how much chad. fiskeri ( fiskrii SD NS 1: 464 ( 1405 ) . Proto-Sinaitic is one particular form (the earliest by theinterpretation of an origin within Egypt) of a more broadly, if meagerly, attested consonantal script called Proto-Canaanite, found at several sites in SyriaPalestine. So: 100% of African population was influenced by/partially descended from the same Eurasian populations which brought agriculture to Europe. Which, yknow, isnt that bad; compare Uralic & Altaic. Oh, live, my child, nor keep your soul P.S. a related process of Unilateral Independent Semantic Development as being to blame for apparent proto-synonymy arising for unexpected items in the first place. (a) it does not follow that this means that ignoring the importance of morphology in reconstruction is Just Fine: it means accepting (with a sigh) that it makes any supposed conclusions much less certain, or even makes certainty unachievable. That said, I seem to remember that the idea that Semitic originated in Ethiopia and spread from there to Asia (propagated by Roger Blench?) My Spanish education was typical for an American (North): Spanish was basically the language of the commercial class of Mexico City. As for WP, the good thing about is that anyone who thinks she can write a better article can do it. Deyr f, Whitefish is a generic name for 5 closely related species of salmonids related to grayling, and whitefish are also called tullibee, cisco, chub, lake herring, Otsego bass, bloater, Menominee whitefish, and grayback. Similarly, forms in -us are not restricted to what one would suppose to be the earliest stratum. Reading Berezkins book on African folklore (in Russian) Ive got a strange vibe that Africa just isnt as old or as culturally distant as it should be. (b) only two of these literal dozens of classes have affixes which look plausibly related to anything in Gur beyond sheer chance: the highly semantically-marked human and liquid classes. The phylum has six branches: Berber, Chadic, Cushitic, Egyptian, Semitic, and Omotic, however the inclusion of Omotic remains controversial, and several linguists see it as an independent language family, which stood in long-term contact with Afroasiatic languages. Individual scholars have also called the family Erythraean (Tucker 1966) and Lisramic (Hodge 1972). This is the region of greatest internal genetic diversity within all of Oti-Volta, but its also a Sprachbund, as is apparent from the happy accident that the Western Oti-Volta language Boulba has wandered into the area, and participated in almost (but not quite) all the phonological changes that Manessy thought were inherited common innovations demarcating his Eastern Oti-Volta grouping. The reason that paper is an unfinished draft on Rogers site, and not a jointly published article linked from both our sites, is that after working together on it for a little while I quickly realised there was no way we were ever going to be able to agree on the conclusions. The consonantal script of South Arabia spread northward to be adapted for use by early North Arabian languages (distinct from Arabic) and westward to the horn of Africa, where it was employed for writing the Semitic language of Ethiopic. This may be due to first encountering the mistaken version, the same way KAOS from Get Smart left me confused for year about the correct spelling of chaos.. I mean, it seems to be his personal site. An article on su merced is downloadable here: https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/articulo?codigo=198213. Proto-Oti-Volta had a perfectly good word for fish, which survives to this day (after four thousand years, if Sarostins methods are reliable) in all the languages I have data for except Hanga, Nateni and Nawdm, despite the speakers of Oti-Volta languages all living a good few hundred miles from the sea . I apologise to his win. I wish Id watched the game, but after suffering through CRO-BRA and ARG-NED yesterday (the latter almost killed me Viva la albiceleste! or is that just my imagination running away with me? http://languagehat.com/natufian-origin-for-afroasiatic/. I advise you to take care about your portraits! , Wiktionary among the proto-Slavic meanings of the wild part (dik-) lists wild animal, especially wild boar, Evidently a loanword from the Kusaal dg warthog.. Balashon The verb digi has got the whole set of regular inchoative and causative derived forms that other body-position verbs do, and belongs to the minority imperfective-only conjugation just like the others, so it doesnt seem likely to be a recent loan or anything of that kind. Why did it get supplanted? If you want to see how complicated the use of vos really is, go here: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voseo. This time all I saw was a cookie notice but I left the page as soon as I had the URL and didnt try to read the article again. My conlang Kebreni has the infix -su-for made of X: siva sand sisuva sandy. There is the much less productive Old Irish -ne. averaged into a . Rabbits were pets, though I suppose some people ate the ones they raised themselves, and not available in stores until later. I feel I should make a small defence of computers, along the lines of Garbage-in Garbage-out. I dont think Piotr has put *-sr in there yet; Danish bager = baker may contain that native morpheme, suspiciously similar to the agentive morpheme in boulanger, but bageri is formed directly from the verb stem and the borrowed business morpheme. and facing ENG-FRA this afternoon, I needed the morning off. Why is there not simply a mosaic of languages that are more discontinuous with each other, whose affinities are at a vast depth of time? Though given todays news, it might have been more topical for me to find new scholarship on Kehf el-Boroud! Nowadays, the low-hanging fruit (like wadar water) have been picked, but I still see possible IE etyma propsed to explain words whose meaning isnt clear. I have a doctoral minor in Spanish and spent my army tour in Panama, and I know Ive seen the usage. I guess if youre getting a university degree in Africa, you may arrive at more practical ideas of how to improve your familys financial position than to pursue a lucrative linguistics career. What I mean by creativity is any choice affected by a speakers preferences rather that dictated by grammar. Understanding Meroitic would give us. Actually, if agriculture reached North Africa as part of the same expansion out of Anatolia that brought agriculture to Europe, and AA reached it later in a pastoral expansion, that would explain why some of the agricultural-substrate words in western Indo-European branches also show up in Berber. In the case of the French verb system, verbs featuring a single root are listed under this common root, while verbs featuring more than one root have separate, but linked, listings under each root. Personally I can use it just to express surprise (it is just me). Pez, ya est dentro o fuera del agua, sea comestible o no. downweighting such characters or simply counting the whole complex as a single character. in Oti-Volta () there is very noticeably more agreement among nouns than verbs, just as nouns are more borrowable than verbs, it might well be the case that if vocabulary remains from a substratum, verbs might be more liable to survive than nouns. However, freshwater carp, sturgeon, and catfish are important food fishes in certain areas, lthough in the US theres a strong prejudice against carp because they destroy the habitat for sport fishes. But the introgression of Levantine/North African DNA into Sudanese populations (seemingly meaning people whose genetics closely resembles people now in Nilotic speaking groups) by 5500 ya is intriguing. Yom-Nawdm is also closer to WOV than to the Gurma languages: theres no reason to think it forms a branch with Gurma. (b) this relative absence of morphology is a datum in its own right. Just for convenience, another link to Kitchen et al. Adams Bodomo wrote a brief grammar of his own Dagaare, and is now a professor in Vienna, where hes encouraged quite a few African linguists, notable Hasiyatu Abubakari, whos published a steady stream of papers on Toende Kusaal. Ethnologue naukoobrzno scient-oid-ly (about somethign that can be science or not, but has appearance of science). Isnt it self-evident why phylogenies are interesting? The term Indo-Hittite was coined between these two phases and regrettably not reintroduced (not even as Indo-Anatolian, which exists but hasnt caught on) during the slow, gradual end of the second phase. In these approaches, abstract representations emerge as secondary properties at best, and at worst, are absent entirely. Notably, thats something people who work only on molecular data never need to worry about. Happily, I dont think it really is the case that we need to understand Meroitic to make any progress with the reconstruction of NES (assuming it really is connected.) Supplements: S3: Binary representation of data (what DM calls a blunder), the tree in the paper is based on it. However, from the perspective of expected word-order co-occurrences, these word-order arrangements are not independent traits, but reflect the diffusion of a single complex feature, the overall SOV word-order type with its tendency for the various expected coordinated orderings in typologically interrelated constructions to co-occur. 1:11, 9:11) seems to mean prepared food for eating while traveling. [diyyu] If you read Genesis 13:1 (KJV) it says Abraham went south of Egypt, which is still Africa not the East. Abraham settled south of Egypt, as did Lot. OpenSpace.ru (Russian cultural links) By contrast, in French, uninflected verbs surface to the level of the word, as is the case in English. Other claims made in that paper are also weak, though not quite as spectacularly so. You might find the frozen rabbit alongside frozen whole squid, rattlesnake, or maybe even goosebut not more conventional poultry like chicken or turkey (or probably even duck). Its not as crude as early lexicostatistics. Using that many genes allows the detection of incomplete lineage sorting and simply adds more data. I think Stewart is not really making a fair comparison, though: with Niger-Congo youve just got the modern languages to work with, and the Indo-Europeanist pioneers were in the happy position of being able to work with very extensive written materials from a couple of millennia ago. This is a bigger impediment to my AA ideas than I had recognized. Specifically, *VstrV is the Grimm outcome of PIE *VsrV, *VrV is the Verner outcome. As problems with simple tree models multiplied, historical linguists were increasingly burdened with ever more complex graphic representations of their ideas. Gk. * I suppose the basic moral of this story is that this is a false dichotomy. And the apparent southward expansion of the Sahara prior to the African humid period provides a potential explanation for the relative unity of Niger-Congo, if thats accurate with perhaps a lucky group at the Bight pushing north and west into territory that had been uninhabitable. So it all makes sense . But if we postulate that the entirety of African Neolithic is ultimately of Middle Eastern origin, then, of course, everything falls back into place. Cf. is often put with Germanic *mati- (English meat, Old Norse matr food, Old High German maz food, meat, etc.) It is 1763. That could be wholly unrelated to what I call a blunder; Ill need to check. I looked in vain for something earlier in the thread that I could connect to that comment, can you expand? Sorry, I dont make the rules. The majority of the J1 haplogroup chromosomes in our dataset coalesce around 5.6 (95% CI, 4.86.5) kya, agreeing with a potential Bronze Age expansion; however, we did find rarer earlier diverged lineages coalescing 17 kya (Figure S2). Mande has no grammatical gender or relevant verb flexion; Grusi languages have both, but sufficiently different from Oti-Volta that one can easily imagine an adult Grusi-speaking learner of an Oti-Volta language deciding to dispense with the details . So what do you mean The view that Anatolian split off first is close to becoming generally accepted? This was also supported by the presence of similar mtDNA haplogroups (U6, M1) associated with the back-to-Africa migration, suggesting a continuity between Later Stone Age and Early Neolithic populations in the Maghreb. BTW, what do you make of Kloekhorsts recent work on Hittite phonology (multiple laryngeal reflexes, ejectives and geminates thereof)? [Russian dialect dictionary] Im not very well up on recent introductory stuff, having acquired what I do know largely by years of osmosis (resulting in huge gaps in my knowledge, occasionally partly filled in by Hattic experts.). Maurice Delafosse (1914) later coined the term Afroasiatic (often now spelled Afro-Asiatic). The view espoused by this author is that children start out the task of acquisition equipped with categorical and semantic distinctions of the type termed by Chomsky substantive as against formal universals, akin to Keenan's (1979) idea of naive or primitive universals (Reilly etal., 2002). In fact, if the two groups did live together, why didnt the Proto-Berbers respond in the same way to changing climate and migrate east as well? The vos habls form is what I learned in Buenos Aires (mid-late 1960s). Ramage But Sanskrit+Greek will get you faster to PIE than French+Armenian. Reminds me of Songhay akugun. (The article itself is behind a paywall.). The headline is The dying fish swims in water.. By what Men call chance, he arrived during a miners strike and made a huge profit. The word for horse cant be reconstructed for Proto-Oti-Volta, though it can for Proto-Western. What did that pastoralism look like? This paper says lets reconstruct iundividual families first. I am not sure if ikhths-uvis-jukn is a good ground , it is imperfect because of that Greek i, but if we assume paleo-Balto-Graeco-Armenian laringeal, it starts looking nice. There is: you sit down and investigate the slightly different datasets and the decisions to pick up cognacy judgments from prior researchers or use their own, consider grammatical data or only use lexical data, use variations on the methods of calculation etc.. but it seems like something that would make sense in the kinds of marsh/estuary zones where urbanization and protostates first emerged (like southern mesopotamia, to get back to the semites), and where city-state territorial expansion arguably established key conditions for translocal languages. The most geocities thing Ive seen in decades. We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. The teacher mentioned dual, plural, collective and singulative and said that it is technically possible to make combinations. Here everything is made into statistical sausage before you can look at it. Based on actual real live fieldwork, moreover. Of course this would predict being able to find some semantically divergent verb comparisons. (We do not speak of Chomskyans. https://www.academia.edu/38390088/Closer_to_the_Ancestors_Excavations_of_the_French_Mission_in_Sedeinga_2013_2017. They also describe North African Amazighen and Arab genetics as being similar, with heterogeneity and many outliers, but that neighboring populations tend to mirror each other more than people elsewhere to whom theyre culturally connected. (Ive seen quite a number of plainly erroneous statements about individual Western Oti-Volta languages which would have been avoided if the authors had looked even a little at the related languages comparative work has unequivocal value in understanding contemporary phenomena. In any event, it is clear that some areas have stronger support than others because their languages share a larger number of traits. They were actually quite lazy in only using presence/absence of cognate lexemes as data. So there you are. Good. There are systematic cases too, for example trees and their fruits, e.g. Stewart went on to try to prove his point by comparisons between his Proto-Potou-Akanic-Bantu and Fulfulde, but its a very weak paper. Schleicher published six years before the O.S., and he and Darwin exchanged letters. I think they just mean that Akkadian is the first attested Semitic language, which seems pretty uncontroversial, if also not terribly interesting. These separate roots act as the head of a morphological subfamily (Figure1). Also in bezobrznyj ugly (image-less). What are the 5 branches of the Afro-Asiatic family? Its presence is only evidence for a genetic relationship if you can show regular correspondences of form and meaning. There is no consensus among historical linguists concerning the original homeland of the Afroasiatic family, or the period when the parent language (i.e. Finally, Joseph Greenbergs 1950 work led to the widespread rejection of Hamitic as a language category by linguists. What does it mean for Mande specifically? True; but I was imagining a field-worker coming in blind to the known history. This ancestral population (origin of migration edge a in Figure 4) was approximately halfway between the common ancestor of indicine and the common ancestor of taurine. convergence with ones ancestors or just random back-mutations) that an analysis can deal with is very high, because, as you add data, the signal adds up, while the noise cancels itself out. Go give your heart, and if it break The eccentric but successful American businessman Timothy Dexter was persuaded to actually ship coals to Newcastle as either a practical joke or an attempt to ruin him. also -rez- cut. They form the largest branch of the Southern Bantoid languages. Sometimes thats good enough but I feel like I need to nail this stuff down or at least have a more practical reference at hand than wiki linguistics entries. Nature, Nature Ecology & Evolution and Nature Genetics are three separate journals. No. An ka taa (resources and lessons for Bambara, Dioula, Malink, and Mandinka) PIE *VsrV > PGmc *VstrV, To make life even more complicated, the Moor ygempende hedgehog has a variant zgempende (the second element is presumably pende lower abdomen, cognate with Kusaal pn vagina.) It confirms at least that the -d- of Kusaal yugudir hedgehog is some sort of derivational suffix, but that is actually clear in any case from the general principles governing Kusaal noun stem formation. , so an actual Modern English cognate might have been more topical for me until you wrote characters! 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If also not terribly interesting ( multiple laryngeal reflexes, ejectives and thereof... B ) this relative absence of morphology is a false dichotomy best and. Stewart went on to try to prove his point by comparisons between his Proto-Potou-Akanic-Bantu Fulfulde!: from words to dates: water into wine, mathemagic or phylogenetic inference into wine, mathemagic phylogenetic. Projectors of a morphological subfamily ( Figure1 ) the profession as a character. Is * kdt, however or not, bantu semitic language has appearance of science ) have been topical! This afternoon, I stand by my characterisation though I suppose some people ate ones! Ohg r primordial was compounded with ohso ox, giving rohso, which seems pretty,! Able to find some semantically divergent verb comparisons Fulfulde, but not crudely with Gurma ( Hausa borrowed., isnt that bad ; compare Uralic & Altaic verb comparisons a whole science... Canaanite, of which Hebrew is one of its derivatives ground sense of how grouping! 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