However, neither produces near the same tonnage per acre as the two blends described above. The deers browsing habits, the type of soil you have, the climate where you live, and the time of year are all important factors to consider. WHY HONEY HOLE? Subscriber Services. There is a close relationship between reliability and durability. You will enjoy faster opening times, better quality, and a better view by paying more for your product. Plant HONEY HOLE less than 1/4 deep. The Best Food Plots To Plant In The Spring For Whitetail Dee I've personally had tremendous success with it in my home state of Wisconsin, as well as in Minnesota, Missouri and Illinois. Warm season planting of forages is beneficial to deer because they produce far more protein and digestibility than native forages. In this video I'm planting a small 1/8 acre Brassica kill plot. So, Laden quickly accepted when an invite came from friend Mike Tussey of NOMAD Hunting Apparel to test new deer gear on a summer bear hunt with Cody and Kelsy's L2H Outfitting. Research is the only way to find the best products. Because of that, I recommend planting the staggered rows by utilizing the first method. - For best results plant in late summer or early fall. For best results plant in late summer or early fall. In both cases, the deer feed heavily on the greenery while it's growing. Here are five important factors to consider in order to determine when it is the best time to start working in the fields. Big and J BB2 Nutritional Deer Supplement 6 lbs. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Options: Single Bag $24.99 (6) Bags $119.99. Ideal mix of perennials and annuals that deer love. Recommended fertilizer is 19-19-19 or 13-13-13 at 300lbs. Can I get a antler king honey hole for a reasonable price? First, you will need to choose a location that gets plenty of sun and has good drainage. The Beast has about 25 points, he is a non typical with drop tines and im told he may be in contention for the Nebraska Muzzle loader record. Robie Pruitt Because these plants will thrive with little or no tilling, anyone can create their own HONEY HOLE.. I like what I am hearing. Hopefully, in our list you will find a product that suits your needs. Antler King Clover Fuel Food Plot Enhancer. Planted in the Spring, Summer or early Fall the plant varieties in Honey Hole will mature in 60-90 days and provide the whole deer family the PERFECT Fall and Winter food source. Brassicas, winter rye and alfalfa can do comparatively better in sandier soils than clovers. Recommended fertilizer is 19-19-19 or 13-13-13 at 300lbs. Most varieties of oats that are planted north of the Mason-Dixon line will die off after the first decent frost. Recommended fertilizer is 19-19-19 or 13-13-13 at 300lbs. Find the plantings that work best in your areas. Planted in the Spring, Summer or early Fall the plant varieties in Honey Hole will mature in 60-90 days and provide the whole deer family the PERFECT Fall and Winter food source. The hand picked plant varieties in Honey Hole make it the best Fall and Winter hunt plot available and is the foundation of any late season food plot and deer management program. Providing deer with a healthy diet that includes plants will help to keep the population healthy and improve the deers health. In the Northern U.S., typically the best time to plant a Fall food plot (Honey Hole, Slam Dunk, Lights Out, Fall/Winter/Spring, Trophy Clover or No Sweat) would be during the months of July, August and the first half of September. For best results plant in late summer or early fall. By treating it with Antler Kings Ultra Coat Orange, it has a higher germination rate and a higher forage yield. Great Product Turnips got to size of softballs the first freeze the deer started to tear them up. In the fall, mist the grasses with seed to create a mulch for clover, and in the winter, frost the seed right above the snow to create a mulch for clover. When you have numbers at your disposal, you can always make quantitative measurements of quality. The plants that did survive grew enough to produce enough that the deer still ate the plants to the ground. Even if these plantings reach maturity, deer can wipe out a smaller planting in a matter of weeks. How do you plant and grow in the spring? 6.95K subscribers In this video we plant Antler King's Honey Hole late season brassica blend. Lime fertilize and clear all weeds from the area. Create your Honey Hole today! It is also a good idea to plant your seeds at a later date. Here are a few theories on why deer will go out and hunt more frequently. Our #1 selling food plot product, Honey Hole is a fabulous northern hunt plot that grows even in tough conditions and deer love it! The recommended amount of fertilizer is 19-19-19 or 13-13-13, which should be applied in 300 pounds. In both cases, the seed blends contain varieties of rape and turnips. rahul dev wife rina dev; complete the following quote: 'he's not the messiah, _____' Wednesday, 2 December 2020. As soon as your Food Plots start sprouting in the Spring, it is time to give those plots an application of Antler Kings Plot Max and Jolt Foliar Fertilizer. Honey hole food plots can be planted in the spring or summer, and they should be located in an area where deer are known to travel. Slam Dunk. Plant in late summer or early fall to get the best results. Enter an address, zip code or town to find a store near you. Treated with Antler King's Ultra Coat Orange for higher germination rates and increased forage yield. 1 lb. Fast-forwarding to mid-October, I'd already passed numerous bucks and had a dangerously close encounter with the largest buck in the area on that food plot. Barley, clover, and alfalfa are some of the best options. Honey Hole is the foundation of any late season food plot or deer management program. You need a high-quality support system from a company like antler king honey hole. antler king honey hole for 2022 are among the top 10 most searched words. Antler King Honey Hole Mix (Pack of 2) Brand: Antler King Price: $70.21 Fast growing and easy to establish For best results plant in late summer or early fall. There are a variety of different foods that can be planted in a honey hole food plot, but some of the most popular choices include corn, soybeans, alfalfa, and clover. When the weather turns cold deer seek what they need to survive and Honey Hole provides the vital food sources deer seek the most! However, in general, it is best to plant 7 card stud in the spring or early summer. Syrup Production, Kitchen This change increases consumption and deer will flock to your Honey Hole plot to consume the sweet tasting sugary plants providing an extremely palatable, highly digestible energy source the deer need for survival. For best results plant in late summer or early fall. New features may have been added, the product may have been modified in some way. Five minutes later, I settled the pin and let the Rage-tipped Easton fly from my bow. Tick Prevention, Pet Housing After you replant it, you can change the color of barricade once it has been weathered into the winter. bottle will cover a 2-acre plot or can be applied four times on a 1/2-acre plot. ______________________________ Additional tags: Hunting,food plots, planting,tilling,seeding,Bow hunting,Antler King Honey Hole,food plot,Hunting,food plots, planting,tilling,seeding,Bow hunting,Antler King Honey Hole,food plot,Hunting,food plots, planting,tilling,seeding,Bow hunting,Antler King Honey Hole,food plot,Hunting,food plot, planting,tilling,seeding,Bow hunting,Antler King Honey Hole,food plot The plot should also be mowed on a regular basis, to keep the plants from getting too tall. Because these plants will thrive with little or no tilling, anyone can create their own HONEY HOLE.. Second, you will need to prepare the soil by tilling it and adding some organic matter. These best spring and summer plots are typically made up of legumes such as cowpeas, soybeans, corn, grain sorghum, hayseeds, alyceclover, red clover, or aeschynomene (jointvetch or deer vetch), among others. A honey hole food plot is a small plot of land that is planted with fruits, vegetables, or other food that deer like to eat. Deer will begin to consume the leafy greens as the plants begin to grow and mature, but once the weather turns cold and the plants are impacted by a hard killing frost or multiple hard frosts a molecular change occursthis dramatic change triggers plant maturity and allows the plants to converttheir stored up starches into sweet sugars. $49.99 Antler King Jolt Foliar Liquid Fertilizer 32oz. On the second pass, line the planter up so that it drills the new seeds between the rows. Get the top North American Whitetail stories delivered right to your inbox. Bird resistance is aided by a tight dark colored closed seed head as well as tannic acid (bitterness), which resists consumption by the majority of animals when grown in the early stages. Area 4 in Washington Parish is home to a plethora of deer that are beginning to come out of their ruts. 3 lb. 23 lb. We also take that into account! It is possible to plant food plots in addition to improving soil quality, increasing wildlife populations, reducing pest populations, and increasing organic matter. Treated with Antler King's Ultra Coat Orange for higher germination rates and increased forage yield. This change increases consumption and deer will flock to your Honey Hole plot to consume the sweet tasting sugary plants providing an extremely palatable, highly digestible energy source the deer need for survival. Frigid Forage's blend also contains sugar beets and carrots. Unfortunately, in my neck of the woods we experienced a drought. There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on a number of factors, such as the climate in your area and the type of soil you have. Please support our efforts! Cool weather will increase consumption. Honey Hole is a mixture of 5 unique varieties of brassicas, which include 3 varieties of rapeseed, and 2 varieties of turnips. Believe me when I tell you that this applies every bit as much to food plot seed blends as it does to sunflowers. Our products arent chosen randomly. Antler King's Honey Hole and Frigid Forage's Big-N-Beastly brassicas take a different approach. antler king honey hole planting dates. For your summer plots, you can plant a wide range of peas and beans from the market. Buying something for the lowest price is almost never a good idea. It raises the pH, creates organic matter and unlocks nutrients in the soil. Fifth, you will need to mow your plot regularly to keep the plants from getting too tall. Lime makes fertilizer work. Create your Honey Hole today! Treated with Antler King's Ultra Coat Orange for higher germination rates and increased forage yield. Easy to establish, fast growing and cold tolerant. Honey Hole is a mixture of five unique varieties of brassicas, which include three varieties of rape, and two varieties of turnips. The stand had been hot all season long. Third, you will need to choose the right plants for your plot. Treated with Antler King's Ultra Coat Orange for higher germination rates and increased forage yield. The plot should also be located in an area that is free of trees and brush, so that the deer will have a clear view of the food. If the quality of summer vegetation is poor, deer will be at risk of nutritional stress if the conditions are ideal for food plots. The time to plant food plots has nothing to do with soil temperature or an average date of first frost. You can use antler king honey hole for many months since its robust and durable. per acre. The downsides are that it's more expensive and not as drought resistant or winter hardy as Antler King's blend when planted in the northern and upper Midwestern locations I frequent. Grows over 24 inches tall in 45 days. Our list of antler king honey holes top-rated products excludes products with mostly negative ratings. You are here: lumosity cost lvmh marketing strategy antler king honey hole planting dates. When native forages are scarce, successful deer managers must adjust their seasons. antler king honey hole is often difficult to find for many people. A couple of things to keep in mind when planting in the Fall: Todd Stittleburg Antler King Trophy Products, Inc. Is it too late to plant Fall food plots? . As the weather turns cold and the molecular change helps convert the starch to sugar these Brassicas will provide4% gross energy (equivalent to corn). Sign up below for our weekly ads. Directly to your inbox. Just 50 yards in front of my stand. Buying a "southern" blend for a northern planting is bound to end in failure. & Board Games, Bikes, per acre. will plant 1/10 of an acre. A hole as small as 1/4 deep should be used for planting hen. per . Food Plots & Minerals Special April 2021, Test your soils pH and take the proper steps to neutralize your soil to create an optimum growing environment, Spreading the necessary amount of lime prior to tilling will not only benefit your Fall Food Plot but it is also very beneficial to your Spring plot as well, Raising your pH is not an overnight process, lime takes a variant amount of time to break down and react in the soil, The amount of time depends on how much rain you receive and the type of lime you use, Pelletized lime will break down faster but you will have to lime more often, Pulverized Ag lime takes longer to break down but lasts much longer (6-10 years), It is usually pretty dry during this time, keep an eye on the weather and try to time planting right before a rain, If you plan to hunt over this food plot, be sure you are planting food sources that are coveted by deer during the time you will hunt it. choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. Finally, consider the season in which you intend to travel. Plant HONEY HOLE less than 1/4 deep. Im so glad this worked out for you, your statement about Honey Hole is dead on with what it was designed to do. This page is obviously regarding Cheap antler king honey hole Reviews which is why youve come here. That alone transforms that three-acre food plot into the equivalent of one 5.1-5.4 acres in size. - Plant Honey Hole less than 1/4? He was named Wildlife Biologist of the Year by the Southeastern Director in 2000. Weed & Plant Control. While you will find that the greatest consumption of these four products will be from February to September, it is important to keep these sites full of mineral all year around. If you are a deer hunter who spends time in the woods, you know that deer love to eat. There is a higher chance it wont be reliable. During the summer, a growing season for red clover has been shown to be extremely productive and nutritious. It is perhaps the most common planting. If you really want to boast the production our fertilizer is highly recommended it will not burn plants can be used on many things, you can use it on gardens, lawns and your apple trees. . A hole as small as 1/4 deep should be used for planting hen. Our #1 selling food plot product, Honey Hole is a fabulous northern hunt plot that grows even in tough conditions and deer love it! Likewise, a new antler king honey hole costs between $$$ and $$$. Bag Plants 1/2 acre. Your email address will not be published. There are a few things to keep in mind when planting a mid summer food plot. If you find any antler king honey hole mentioned here to be incorrect, out of date, outdated, irrelevant, or otherwise inappropriate, we would appreciate your feedback. Antler King seed is not a premium brand of seed and does not have the levels of germination and quality of products like barenbrug (tecomate) etc.. As professional I would not count on getting top end results or high tonnage amounts you need with it.It all starts with your soil as the plants are transfer agents for nutrients in the soil. Because its simple to digest for deer, theyre able to get a lot of protein out of it. If you do not need one that high, you can decide otherwise. Features five varieties of rape and turnips, Treated with Ultra Coat Orange for higher germination rates, increased forage yield, Cool weather tends to increase consumption (weve seen a 3 ft. tall plot devoured in 10 days!). Of course there's more to a thriving, effective food plot than just the seed type planted. Use Final Feast, End Game Attractant, Apple Burst Attractant, Sweet Apple Intensity and Attract-N-Fuel in front of your deer cameras to scout and get bucks accustomed to coming to those locations. RAPE AND TURNIP FALL/WINTER ANNUAL 3 lb. I want to plant this on my farms in illinois. After the first frost the plants go from bitter to sweet and the deer love them!! Please support our efforts! In the early season deer will seek high protein sources such as Red Zone, Trophy Clover, Mini Max and No Sweat and as the weather turns colder deer will seek higher energy sources like Honey Hole, Slam Dunk, Lights Out and Fall/Winter/Spring, It is best to lightly cover seeds, in case it does not rain immediately after planting, as the soil will protect the seeds from the heat of the Summer sun and they will wait to germinate until it rains, Test your pH and take the proper steps to neutralize your soil to create an optimum growing environment, A great way to help your plants survive a dry spell is to spray Antler King Plot Max.