Any person shall be eligible for membership in The American Legion who was a member of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, or Air Force of the United States and assigned to active duty at some time during any of the following periods: April 6, 1917 to November 11, 1918; December 7, 1941 to December 31, 1946; June 25, 1950 to January 31, 1955; February 28, 1961 to May 7, 1975; August 24, 1982 to July 31, 1984; December 20, 1989 to January 31, 1990; August 2, 1990 to the cessation of hostilities as determined by the Congress of The United States of America: all dates inclusive, or who being a citizen of the United States at the time of his entry therein, served on active duty in the Armed Forces of any of the governments associated with the United States during any of the said periods; provided, however, that such service shall have been terminated by honorable discharge or honorable separation, or continued honorably after any of said periods; provided, further, that no person shall be entitled to membership who, being in such service during any of said periods, refused on conscientious, political, or other grounds to subject himself to military discipline or unqualified service. Men's Dress Overcoat. All charges must be made under oath in writing by the accusers, and no member in good standing shall lose his membership until given a fair trial in such manner and form as The Department of New York, Department Executive Committee shall prescribe. Sons of The American Legion. It, by itself, is considered in uniform when When worn by a Legionnaire, this single uniform item puts the Legionnaire "in uniform." Caps should not be worn while eating. All moneys received in any manner for welfare purposes of any nature by the Post shall be deposited in a duly authorized banking institution and none of such moneys shall be withdrawn except for welfare purposes and, upon draft signed by the Finance Officer of the Post and at least one other member duly assigned signature representative for that purpose. The cap should be worn in a place of worship only by the Guard of Honor, Color Guard, and Commander of same while in marching order or standing guard. This is a great question, as more Legionnaires are getting involved with our meetings and programs. How does a Post apply/qualify for ceremonial rifles? Members may be suspended or expelled from this Post of The American Legion only upon proper showing of cause. When he wore this uniform, he was a mamber of the VFW. It is great to be able to learn something new and I am always discovering new goodies on the forum. Family members can contact our insurance providers at the numbers listed below to see if the member had an active policy: Legionnaires Insurance Trust (800) 235-6943. The amount of annual Post dues shall be forty dollars ($40.00), payable in advance on the 20, Section 6. Posted May 9, 2011. %PDF-1.5 % Post 243's standard embroidery for their caps is: Right side has "243". Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Uniform Cap Etiquette. Six African Americans followed him. On 28 May 1983, Pete Tzomes became the first African American to command a nuclear-powered submarine, USS Houston (SSN-713). It has the capability to keep a running total and save the data until the next event. The Post is the custodian of the rifles conditionally issued for ceremonial purposes. A member is considered to be in uniform if wearing an official Legion uniform cap. Due to the increasing number of proposed memorials coming to the attention of the Internal Affairs Commission, it is not possible for The American Legion to honor all such requests for financial support; therefore, the Commission adopted the following policy: The National Headquarters will not consider financial support for memorials, museums or education centers that are not in the greater Washington, DC, area and federally supported by Congress and the National Parks System. 673 THE AMERICAN LEGION, DEPARTMENT OF NEW YORK. All lettering is in a straight line. ?>]>?5Az/IX)X0](6;;j~/mEXKpDj Rank does not exist in The American Legion; no member shall be addressed by his military or naval title in any meeting of the Post. Duties of Post Historian: The Historian shall be charged with the recording and photographing of any incidents and activities of the Post and Post members that may require media or public attention, and shall perform such other duties as may properly pertain to the office as may be determined by the Post or the Executive Committee. Why is so much emphasis placed on district commanders when these offices are not even required by the organization. It has a Haymarket Clothing, Boston label inside the pocket but there's no name on it. The Post Commander or a majority of the Executive Board shall have power to call a special meeting of the Post at any time. The Commander shall call a meeting of the Post Executive Board upon the joint written request of three or more members of said Post Executive Board; seven members of the Board shall constitute a quorum thereof. It also came with a brown leather belt, a heavy OD wool shirt with a large gas flap closure, and a pair or trousers. Each member shall furnish the Post Adjutant with an address for mailing purposes and inform the Adjutant of any change in such address. Section 5. This Constitution may be amended at any regular Post meeting by a vote of two-thirds of the members attending such regular meeting, provided that the proposed amendment shall have been submitted in writing and read at a preceding regular meeting of the Post, and provided further that written notice, including a copy of the proposed amendment shall be posted on the bulletin board of the Post at least 10 calendar days before the scheduled meeting. Hi Sarge. Often, a story and photo from a local post is best-suited in a local, district or department publication. He shall perform such other duties as directed by the Post. Section 1. Section 1. Most of the period American Legion uniforms have gold braid on the trouser seams but this pair have very light beige (maybe dirty white) wool felt leg stripes. (There are no age limitations.) Proudly created by Quadruple Member Edward Wallace, Section 1. dogs give comfort to children, Two CWF recipients share impact made by Legion grant, Military Womens Memorial planning 25th anniversary celebration, South Dakota Legionnaire raising awareness and funds for homeless women veterans while competing for Ms. Resolution No. This Post recognizes a Legion Riders Organization known as the AMERICAN LEGION RIDERS CHAPTER OF WILLIAM C. DEXTER Post No. For less formal Post gatherings, no service cap is required, but members are welcome to wear an American Legion shirt of choice (polo or t-shirt) as an identifying membership indicator. Membership in the said Auxiliary Organization shall be governed by such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the National Executive Committee of The American Legion and thereafter approved by this Department of The American Legion. Therefore, first priority goes to candidate from each department who is a post-Vietnam veteran and has at least two years in The American Legion. k7oc7 B?pt9? ;]K2J(Kwh/d6R5`pQQ0 v He shall sign all checks disbursing the monies of the Post. It is important that the post leadership report what they are doing and at what level they are assisting. There is no official American Legion Uniform. Section 2. Left side has "Oviedo, FL" (referred to as post, city) Front has the Orange (the state symbol) Most members wear the regular crown cap with liner. In Legion meetings, the cap should be worn except during moments of the Pledge of Allegiance, prayer, and when standing in silent reverence in memory of departed comrades, when the cap should be held with the right hand over the heart. Men's Dress Overcoat. In cold and inclement weather, the cap should not be worn. A vacancy shall exist when a member or officer is absent from his Post for three consecutive meetings if considered by the Executive Board to be detrimental to the best interests of the Post. This next one is an American Legion uniform from Post #40 in Massachusetts. The CPR is important to the business of The American Legion. I'm taking a quick break at work at the moment so can't do anything about the wings here. Those who submit articles are encouraged to include a query letter that expresses the national issue, value, resolution or initiative that matches the submission. Commissions & Committees. Seven members shall constitute a quorum. 673. Mail, fax, or email order using order form PDF. Submissions can be sent by e-mail to [email protected] or by mail to American Legion Magazine, PO Box 1055, Indianapolis, IN 46206. Section 1. It's from New York. Consecutive membership insignia/starsand/or authorized Legion/military service badges. I collect veterans organizations caps and insignia. Duties of Post Commander: It shall be the duty of the Commander to preside at all meetings of the Post and to have general supervision over the business and affairs of the Post, and such officer shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Post. Duties of the Post Finance Officer: The Finance Officer of the Post shall have charge of all finances and see that they are safely deposited in a local bank or banks and shall report, once a month, to the Executive Board and the Post membership the condition of the finances of the Post, with such recommendations as he may deem expedient or necessary for raising funds with which to carry on the activities of the Post. The Post Executive Committee shall investigate any issues referred to it from the House Committee and make a recommendation of resolution to the Post Executive Board at a Post Executive Board meeting, and any other duties as outlined herein. Section 3. Visit the National website and search for posts by city or zip code by using the post locator. Vice President of Marketing, Strategy and Business Development also heads operations management in growth phase of coffee retail group. Section 3. Section 1. When I see how my Congress members vote on veterans' earned benefits issues, I have a feeling they don't really care about veterans. Section 4. I have been a member of the American Legion (China Post #1) for several years and never heard of that program. If desired, the following items may be placed on the right side of the cap: 3. Post Officers Guide and Manual of Ceremonies - American Legion The national constitution gives departments authority to create intermediate bodies between posts and departments for promoting the programs of The American Legion. I'll go ahead and append the other three to this one now; I apologize if they end up being redundant. $329.00. Section 1. The Post Executive Board shall meet for organization and such other business as may come before it at the call of the Post Commander within ten days after the installation of the new officers. The American Legion Cap is both symbolic and illustrative ot Legionnaires and conveys a distinct message to the general public about American Legion Membership. Section 2. VA reaches 1 million in military exposure screenings, American Legion welcomes victories for veterans in budget agreement, Legion to HVAC: Expanding VA Home Loan Guaranty benefit a thank you for service, Legion leads call for fixing GI benefits for Guard, Reserves, Upcoming job fairs include event at Washington Conference, Task Force Movement: Running at warp speed, Legion report: critical U.S. economic needs can be met by veterans, Proposed legislation could expand education benefits, veterans access to commercial drivers licenses amid trucking shortage, Task force aims to take action to help veteran-owned small businesses, California Legionnaires getting free access to Google Cloud Skills Boost, Montana post supporting community, local teachers, Time for a fresh look at the Army Alumni idea, Awards honor those who assist veterans, provide homes, All veterans in suicidal crisis can now get free mental health care from VA, VA app achieves 1 million download milestone, VA proposes rule that would waive copays for eligible Native American, Alaska Native veterans, OCW grants: over $360,000 help servicemembers, veterans, OCW assists active-duty gamers, Irreverent Warriors, Our Countrys Veterans comic book gets a refresh, Operation A.L.F. Such membership cards shall indicate the consecutive years of service in the Post. Yes, The current Officers Guide and Manual of Ceremonies (available for download from the website) has information. To subscribe to the newsletter please visit There shall be no form or class of membership except an active membership. 4. Section 2. A majority vote of the Post shall be necessary for acceptance. On the whole, veterans' benefits have improved significantly. Section 6. The American Legion Jefferson County, Department of New York. ), but as much a traditional thing as anything else, and one which goes way back in it's origins. The post Adjutant or Commander must contact the Army Donations Program Office for disposition (return) instructions prior to closing the Post. $37.95. Can we use our American Legion post for a political event? He shall ensure that any paperwork submitted by a veteran is forwarded to the Department Service Officer or to any National Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation points of contact, in a timely manner. Section 1. Our Post has different models of rifles on hand (M1897, M1903, M1917, M1, etc.). We adhere to American Legion National protocol, rules and regulations when wearing uniform items. Visit their website at or you can reach their National Headquarters office by calling (317) 569-4500. I've had a devil of a time getting logged on after the upgrade of the site. The Post Headquarters shall be located at 113 E. Dexter Street, Black River, NY 13612; all notices and documents addressed to the Post shall be sent to these Headquarters. I believe that it's not that huge of a membership drive actually, at least not anymore (it's probably a mighty expensive proposition! An Executive Committee meeting shall be held the 2nd Thursday of each month unless otherwise specified and shall be called to order at 5:00 pm. endstream endobj 383 0 obj <>/Metadata 74 0 R/OCProperties<>/OCGs[397 0 R]>>/Outlines 96 0 R/PageLayout/SinglePage/Pages 377 0 R/StructTreeRoot 133 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 384 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/Properties<>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Trans 405 0 R/Type/Page>> endobj 385 0 obj <>stream I was finally able to log on laast evening for a little while than tried again with the exact same log-on info and got locked out. Fine S.P., 6.5 x 8.5 b/w, an image of Kesselring in uniform walking with American General Maxwell Taylor, Commanding General of the 101st Airborne Division. Section 2. Section 9. Additionally the National Charter, approved by Congress, stipulates The American Legion as an organization is nonpolitical. Section 1. Section 3. Navy blue 44" single breasted trench coat with cut thru pockets. See current Officers Guide and Manual of Ceremonies (available for download from the website) for additional guidance. I have a couple more Veteran's Organization uniforms. Section 2. ARTICLE IX (Amendments) SECTION 1. cover is the only item of apparel that designates a member as being in Section 2. (Visit for more information.). Navy blue 44" single breasted trench coat with cut thru pockets. Section 7. You can call our Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation Division in our DC office at (202) 861- 2700 or email them at [email protected]. The Legislative Division also sends out action alerts via email when important legislation is pending. The intent of NALC is to mold leaders for the. For informal civic affairs and gatherings, we ask members to don the following: For monthly Post meetings, the service cap is the only required uniform item. Sons are not authorized to have their own Honor Guard using US Army ceremonial rifles and at least one veteran member of the Post is required to participate. Each member shall serve for a period of three years from the date of their installation. From the looks of the cap, this fellow was a veteran of the Air Service. There is also the Membership/Training newsletter created by the Internal Affairs and Membership Division. Jun 01, 2022. Section 1. An application for new membership or request to transfer into this post shall be made in writing under such regulations as may, from time to time, be prescribed by the Post Executive Board and approved by the County Committee wherein this Post is located. The National organization has no legion direct authority on actions or activities of a local post. The general expenses of the Post shall be paid by checks drawn against the general fund signed by the Post Finance Officer and countersigned by one other person designated by the Post Executive Board. be found below: 39 Nassau Avenue, Islip, NY 11751 Phone:631-277-8383. I really like the chevrons on the sleeves. If he is still delinquent after February first, he shall be suspended from all privileges. Section 2. The American Legion cap is considered the official American Legion uniform (see page 40). Are there any death benefits available from The American Legion? The post or department may fill out a CPR to just submit a report but the level of participation is what is essential. The name of this organization shall be William C. Dexter Post No. This Constitution is adopted subject to the provisions of the National, Department, and Jefferson County Constitution and By-laws, The American Legion. American Legion Auxiliary. Many of those submissions are positioned on the Honor & Remembrance platform at which appears online. American Legion Charities. Here are the rest of the pictures. An American Legion cap is a uniform item. Can the National organization help in funding a local memorial or education center? It has "C" clasp 40 and the American Legion badge on each lapel. Are there any other American Legion periodicals? The sealed bids will be kept sealed and opened at a meeting of the Post Executive Board. This next one is an American Legion uniform from Post #40 in Massachusetts. The district (county, zone or area in some departments depending on size and desire) commander is the department commander's link between department and posts in order to enhance The American Legion programs. It has a Mass patch on one sleeve and a Plymouth Rock patch on the other. The Post shall elect annually such delegates and alternates to represent the Post at all County meetings or County Annual conventions as may be required, pursuant to such proportional representation covering such delegates or alternates as may be provided for by the Constitution and By-laws of the department and Jefferson County Organizations. Candidates for all parties must be presented equal opportunity to use the facilities on the same terms and conditions as other competing candidates. Coffee Exchange. The American Legion cap is considered the official legion uniform (see p. 40 of 2018 Officer's Guide). Each member shall perform his full duty as a citizen according to his own conscience and understanding. Rules of the NEC. This form must be sent to your Department Adjutant to validate the post is in good standing and will forward the form to the National Security Division Director for further processing. The American Legion, commonly known as the Legion, is a non-profit organization of U.S. war veterans headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana.It is made up of state, U.S. territory, and overseas departments, and these are in turn made up of local posts. In Article II, Section 2, of the Constitution of The American Legion, "The American Legion shall be absolutely nonpolitical and shall not be used for the dissemination of partisan principles nor for the promotion of the candidacy of any person seeking public office or preferment." Photographed at Berchtesgaden Germany, the day after his May 13 1945 surrender, boldly signed at the bottom in blue ink adding his rank and the date '7.7.1953'. Section 2. Post 186 (Little River, S.C.) training with the "Old Guard", NE Post 630 assists with Welcome Home Veterans event, Post 106 member and honor guard veteran publishes biography at 84, Richland American Legion Post 548 honor guard, Whitesburg American Legion Post 152 honor guard holds annual Memorial Day 21-gun salute to fallen veterans, American Legion Post 209 honor guard - Memorial Day Ceremony 2022, American Legion Harrisburg Post 472 memorial dedication for Jose "Joe" Campos Torres, CSM Gary W. Crisp American Legion Post 289 rifle team honored, calls service during pandemic "a privilege", American Legion Department of Virginia 2nd District Honor Guard, Peter J. Courcy Post 178 honors lifetime member, American Legion Post 166 honor guard teaches flag respect to school kids, Wyoming County Joint Veterans Council Honor Guard, Wyoming County Joint Veterans Council honor guard, Peter J. Courcy Post 178 honor guard performs military honors for honorary life member, Honoring those who lost their lives on 9/11. hbbd```b``ndXD2m 6WX6X2da"@G%@g`` m# The goal is having a department level American Legion College to further train members for leadership positions within the departments, districts, counties and posts. See current Officers Guide and Manual of Ceremonies (available for download from the website) for additional guidance. The names and addressed of said Trustees and the terms for which they were allotted to serve are as follows. When a new applicant or member transfer application has been filed at least two weeks prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Post, the 1st Vice Commander can authorize the Membership Committee to issue the applicants membership card. Can our Post's rifles be loaned to another Post or an organization within the respective Post/Detachment? If attending a political event, The American Legion cap, or any clothing with The American Legion emblem visible, must be removed so as not to imply any endorsement by The American Legion. (888) 453-4466. Section 2. Submissions cannot be returned, so the Magazine strongly urges members not to send original photos or documents. ? No.;q&f=false. A Legionnaire is considered to be in uniform if wearing an official American Legion cap. Your post number is embroidered on the right side of your cap at no charge. All contracts that are awarded shall be signed by the Post Commander and at least two members of the Post Executive Committee. Women's Dress Overcoat. The National American Legion College (NALC) is the capstone leadership educational program provided by The American Legion National Headquarters to Legionnaires from every department. The American Legion was chartered and incorporated by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic veterans organization devoted to mutual helpfulness. call (888) 453-4466 email [email protected]. You can also find a listing of American Legion certified Service Officers on our web site at If his dues are paid on or before February first, he shall be automatically reinstated. The alerts provide key message points and a specific request for action. Eisenhower-style jacket, unlined with elastic waist insert, Wool-blend navy blue lined jacket with Legion emblem buttons, available in men's and women's sizes, Navy blue 44" single breasted trench coat with cut thru pockets, 100% tropical weave polyester with velcro closure, Relief design with emblem, gold highlighted finish, American Legion Flag & Emblem There is also a link to our "Legislative Action Center", where members can see the most recent "Action Alerts" and send messages to their elected officials. The magnitude of our numbers from just 68% (which is yearly average at National level) of our posts reporting has a major impact on Congress. %%EOF When using post facilities to host any candidates, the post must remove American Legion emblems and American Legion flags to avoid any impression of endorsements. I don't normally collect Veteran's organization uniforms but the couple that I do have just happened to catch my eye and I grabbed them. Any elective officer may be removed for inefficiency by the Executive Board after due notice and hearing, as provided by a two-thirds vote of said Post Executive Board being necessary to affect such removal. Legion, department, and one which goes way back in it origins... More Legionnaires are getting involved with our meetings and programs uniform if wearing an Legion! Story and photo from a local Post is best-suited in a local Post Jefferson Constitution... 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